Prompt: 008. ocean
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Prompt: 008. ocean

1. The sailboat floated in the middle of the ocean, the sail tattered and torn. There was no movement on deck, as the single survivor had lost all strength to overwhelming thirst.

A. The sailboat floated in the middle of the ocean, the sail tattered and torn. There was no movement on deck, as the single survivor had lost all strength to overwhelming thirst. She had barely managed to pull a bit of sailcloth over herself as protection from the sun’s brutal rays.

She could feel herself dying, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. The water had run out and she was in the middle of nowhere.

All she could do was close her eyes and rest in the still heat. The sound of waves lapping against the sides of the boat were the only music she could hear over the thunder of her heartbeat pounding in her ears and the dull rasp of her breathing. She was living the last day of her life.

2. Standing at the narrow window breathing in the scent of the ocean from a cell in the cliffside prison.

A. There was a sadness to standing at the narrow window breathing in the scent of the ocean from a cell in the cliffside prison. A forlorn glimpse of sky and a whiff of ocean breeze was not a replacement for the freedom that had been taken.

3. The invaders came from the ocean on ships that looked like white clouds, and their swords were fierce and sharp.

A. The invaders came from the ocean on ships that looked like white clouds, and their swords were fierce and sharp. They were hungry for the blood of the people, killing the men and raping the women and children. There was no stopping them, bronze weapons breaking in the face of steel.

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