What’s up buttercup?

It snowed here today, not enough to be serious, but it’s supposed to be the start of more. Currently waiting for the children to come home and watching a cartoon they’re not allowed to see.

I’ve been working on my fairy tales and dreaming up some new uses for old things. It’s been going pretty good so far and I’ve been having a lot of fun.

“Adventure Time” is freaking me out, but I can’t stop watching. Ice King hired a hitman to kill the hitman he hired to kill Finn and Jake. there’s no way the kids could ever watch this show or even the commercials for it really, but I think it’s kind of amusing. There’s so much subtext that I can’t imagine how anyone can justify letting their first or second grader watch this show.

Watched the Chinese “Sophie’s Revenge.” It was bright and cheerful and had plenty of humor. The whole 2 year thing was a little unlikely, but it’s a common trope so I excused it. Beautiful sets and scenery, except maybe the main guy, but he had a sweet personality so that’s something. Nothing really hardcore here, but it’s a soft watch if that’s what you’re into. Rating: 3 stars

Trying to read “The Hive” by Bee Wilson. It’s all about bees and people and how we used to believe some pretty crazy things about bees. It’s the relationship of bees with honey and people with bees. I’ve not really had a chance to sit down and just read it, but I’m actually kind of looking forward to it.

Has anyone else seen this “Liberty’s Kids” show? That’s such a good idea. From what I can tell, it’s a group of kids actually living in the time its set in, going through events in their own perspective. Much better than those ones where the kids have some magic thing that lets them go back in time and they just kind of go all over. Like no one’s going to say anything when some Asian kid shows up or a girl is running around in a pair of pants. That’s positively ludicrous. I would rather a more realistic approach to history so the kids don’t end up thinking they had like jet packs and stuff in the 1800s. Rating: 4 stars

Watching “The Best of SNL commercials.” They’re always the best part of the show, amirite? The tattoo remover made me laugh because it’s so true. I’m thinking about getting a pair of Mom Jeans. Why? Just because  🙂

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