watching Grandma’s Boy RIGHT NOW

I will admit to my secret love for “Corky Romano,” “Dude, Where’s My Car?” and “Grandma’s Boy.”

There. I have revealed my most secret shame. Other comedy movies I enjoy: “Super Troopers,” “Hot Fuzz,” “Fido,” “Shaun of the Dead,” “Jay and Silent-Bob Strike Back,” “There’s Something About Mary,” and “Blades of Glory.”

I am obviously the perfect girl for someone out there. Unfortunately, he’s only 15-years old and I would go to jail.

Also, why do DVDs do that thing where if you pick the wrong choice–Rated or Unrated–you can’t go back and re-choose? I just had to eject the DVD so I could reload it so I could choose again. AGONY! Or when they make it so you can’t fast-forward passed their little messages and stuff. I wanna watch the movie, not be forced to learn some stupid lesson.

Another funny movie: “Sex-Drive.” Not one of my favorites, but parts of it really made me laugh. Kind of like “Superbad.”

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