365 Prompts

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Prompt: 010. mouth

1. “Thank you for talking with food in your mouth. I’ve always enjoyed seafood.”

A. “Thank you for talking with food in your mouth. I’ve always enjoyed seafood.” He grimaced against the rim of his wine glass and kept his eyes turned away from the speaker.

“Sh.” Claudia nudged his foot under the table. “There’s no reason you need to be rude.”

2. They ran for the mouth of the cave, but it was too late. With a rumble and crash of shifting rocks, the opening was blocked.

A. They ran for the mouth of the cave, but it was too late. With a rumble and crash of shifting rocks, the opening was blocked. They were trapped.

“What are we going to do, Neal? Nobody knows we’re here!”

“Shut up, Grassie. Your crying isn’t going to find us a way out of here.” Neal was glad it was dark. All they could hear was the strength in his voice; they couldn’t see the terror on his face.

He’d led his friends into this mess and now they were all going to die. Because of him.

3. It was hard for him to look away from her mouth. He could barely focus on what she was saying.

A. It was hard for him to look away from her mouth. He could barely focus on what she was saying. All he could see was the smear of lipstick covering her two front teeth.

He wondered if he should mention something, but the words wouldn’t come. He simply told her he would be back with her entree, then fled to the kitchen.

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The Way of the Househusband 01 at Amazon

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Prompt: 009. Hitler baby

1. “So you’re telling me that using some preserved samples they were able to clone Hitler? They… they made a Hitler baby?!?”

A. “So you’re telling me that using some preserved samples they were able to clone Hitler? They… they made a Hitler baby?!?”

“Not just one baby. Ten babies. All of them baby Hitlers.”

“And what’s the master plan?”

“Pun intended? Ah, never mind. Well, the plan seems very over the top to me. They have these grand notions that they’re going to raise the baby Hitlers to lead their super white power nation. I guess they’re going to Pluto Nash it or something.”

“No one tried to stop them from cloning the baby Hitlers?”

“Everything was done in secret. Cloning Hitler isn’t exactly something you want to advertise.”

“Right. So how are we stopping this Hitlerfest from destroying the world?”

2. They were calling him “the Hitler baby”, like it was his fault his parents had been terrible people. They’d given his brother and sister Nazi-related names too, but as the youngest he’d lucked out with the name Adolph Hitler Quince.

A. They were calling him “the Hitler baby”, like it was his fault his parents had been terrible people. They’d given his brother and sister Nazi-related names too, but as the youngest he’d lucked out with the name Adolph Hitler Quince.

When he was sixteen years old he had himself emancipated and requested that his name be changed on the grounds that it was doing him emotional damage.

3. The concept had been simple: travel back in time and shoot the Hitler baby. The execution, however, had left much to be desired.

A. The concept had been simple: travel back in time and shoot the Hitler baby. The execution, however, had left much to be desired. Now they were stranded back in time and Nazi-Germany was in full steam around them. Because instead of appearing during Hitler’s childhood, they’d found themselves in 1934’s Paris, France.

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Prompt: 008. ocean

1. The sailboat floated in the middle of the ocean, the sail tattered and torn. There was no movement on deck, as the single survivor had lost all strength to overwhelming thirst.

A. The sailboat floated in the middle of the ocean, the sail tattered and torn. There was no movement on deck, as the single survivor had lost all strength to overwhelming thirst. She had barely managed to pull a bit of sailcloth over herself as protection from the sun’s brutal rays.

She could feel herself dying, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. The water had run out and she was in the middle of nowhere.

All she could do was close her eyes and rest in the still heat. The sound of waves lapping against the sides of the boat were the only music she could hear over the thunder of her heartbeat pounding in her ears and the dull rasp of her breathing. She was living the last day of her life.

2. Standing at the narrow window breathing in the scent of the ocean from a cell in the cliffside prison.

A. There was a sadness to standing at the narrow window breathing in the scent of the ocean from a cell in the cliffside prison. A forlorn glimpse of sky and a whiff of ocean breeze was not a replacement for the freedom that had been taken.

3. The invaders came from the ocean on ships that looked like white clouds, and their swords were fierce and sharp.

A. The invaders came from the ocean on ships that looked like white clouds, and their swords were fierce and sharp. They were hungry for the blood of the people, killing the men and raping the women and children. There was no stopping them, bronze weapons breaking in the face of steel.

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Panoply at Amazon

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Prompt: 007. winter

1. The first snowstorm started a month early. Winter had come and they weren’t prepared.

A. The first snowstorm started a month early. Winter had come and they weren’t prepared.

There was a panicked rush to the store to stock up on needed supplies, but they hadn’t received their last paycheck. It meant they were forced to sacrifice

2. Alice DeWinter ran as fast as her slender legs could carry her over the grassy hill and down the other side.

A. Alice DeWinter ran as fast as her slender legs could carry her over the grassy hill and down the other side. She could hear the baying of the hounds drawing closer. Her breath came in panting gasps and her heart pounded so hard she could feel it fluttering at her throat.

3. The Winter Ball was two weeks away and she still didn’t have a date.

A. The Winter Ball was two weeks away and she still didn’t have a date. No one had asked her, or even looked at her as though they were thinking about asking her.
She’d never felt so ugly in her entire life. No one wanted to date her.

4. Being declared the Winter Snowball Queen changed the course of her life in every way.

A. Being declared the Winter Snowball Queen changed the course of her life in every way.

Without the scholarship that came with the title, she wouldn’t have been able to afford college. And without college she wouldn’t have met Levy and gotten the job at Haldecort.

B. Being declared the Winter Snowball Queen changed the course of her life in every way.

People looked at her differently, treated her differently. She was high school royalty.

After her win, she didn’t hesitate to sign up for the beauty pageant. She had the confidence to believe that she would win a title. That she would get a scholarship and have the bright and beautiful future she’d always dreamed of.

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