I’m back from the solar eclipse

Camp was dry and dusty, but the people were nice.

I was absolutely terrified of the port-a-potty, though I saw little tiny children going in and out. No problem.

We lived on cheese burgers, bagged chips, Nature Bars, beignets, grilled cheese sandwiches, and snow cones.

The first day we were there was a hellish blast storm that was shaking everyone’s tents. Dust swirled thick until you could barely see in front of you. We stayed in our tent all night while music blasted at us from the stage.

The second day was better. That’s when we discovered the Louisiana food truck and the Chi-Thai Fusion stand.

I’d never heard of a beignet before, but I was looking up a recipe earlier. I’m just saying–the food was good.

And the solar eclipse…

It was beautiful.

The sun began to be covered by the moon, and transformed from a Sailor Moon moon symbol to a burning crescent. And gradually that crescent was chipped away from the top down until the glasses went dark.

And when I took off the glasses and looked up, it was a black circle surrounded by what looked like silver-white flames.

It was absolutely amazing.

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