
While looking for something else on Bing Rewards, I saw a skin cleanser review video link that I didn’t click but… "I tried (X-Facial Cleanser) for one week and it BURNS!!!!"

Like, WTF, man?

ANY product can burn your skin if you’re allergic to it. That’s why, when you buy/try a new product, you only use a little bit and then you wait. You DON’T use it for seven days straight while ignoring the fact that it’s BURNING YOUR SKIN.

I don’t think I have a lot of allergies, but I do go for hypoallergenic products because I’ve used skin cleansers and acne products in the past that have caused my skin to turn red and painful. Plus I’m allergic to something in Nesquik, which is why I don’t drink it, and Nair gave me SEVERE chemical burns on my underarms (but not on my legs ????). So while I’ve never had the cinematic throat-clutching "Oh god, allergies!" reaction of TV and movies, I do have sensitivities to some products. So I avoid them once I discover that my skin is feeling irritated or blisters are forming on my lips or my skin is swelling or…

Just common sense shit.

But from the video link screenshots… That lady kept using that product ON HER FACE until she BURNT her skin. Like, there’s HORRIFIC pictures of chemical BURNT skin.

I don’t care how popular and beloved a product is. Every person’s skin is different from every other person. If you find your skin reacting to a product in a way that it’s not supposed to… STOP USING THE PRODUCT.

Seriously. I have ZERO sympathy for people that continue to use products that cause them harm just so they can make "zOMG look what happened to me!!!!" videos for Likes and clicks.

That’s just really dumb.


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