Prompt: 100. roller coaster

Prompt: 100. roller coaster

1. He rode roller coasters when he was stressed. It calmed him down and freed his mind for thinking.

A. He rode roller coasters when he was stressed. It calmed him down and freed his mind for thinking. At least, that was the explanation he always gave, borrowing heavily from his love of Grissom from CSI: Crime Scene Investigators.

There’d been the occasional person that would give him a skeptical look when he gave his line, but eventually everyone seemed to buy the fiction he was creating. It made him feel good, as though he truly had some control over the world around him. Eventually he expanded his lies, until he became someone completely different from himself.

Every person that he got to believe his stories was another proof that he was alive.

2. The string of roller coaster cars was halfway through the third loop when there was a loud snapping sound. A single piercing scream became a mass of screaming voices as the riders began to panic.

A. The string of roller coaster cars was halfway through the third loop when there was a loud snapping sound. A single piercing scream became a mass of screaming voices as the riders began to panic.

There was the creak of metal, then seemingly in slow motion that moved faster and faster, the roller coaster cars tumbled through the air to slam into the ground.

Standing to one side, a stinging pain blooming across her left cheek, she didn’t understand what she’d witnessed at first. Then her mind put things together and there were words for what she’d seen. Words that each carried their own heavy meaning, like tragedy and crash and no survivors, because there was no one moving in the wreckage.

3. The roller coaster cars reached the top of the steep incline, then plummeted over the edge to the screaming delight of the passengers.

A. The roller coaster cars reached the top of the steep incline, then plummeted over the edge to the screaming delight of the passengers. There was something about the sensation of a stomach seemingly left behind while a body rushed down and down in loops and bends and stretches of rail that had been angled up simply to give the plunging roller coaster cars speed as they rushed down and around and back to the station. It was three straight minutes of ups, downs, and loops carried along on a symphony of delighted and terrified screams and the squealing-hiss of the brakes.

When the operator hit the button that unlocked the safety bars, riders began climbing out onto the station platform in a loud swarm.

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