Prompt: 021. pillow
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Prompt: 021. pillow

1. There was nothing like the bliss of a brand new pillow. It felt like resting on a cloud.

A. There was nothing like the bliss of a brand new pillow. It felt like resting her head on a cloud. Almost before her eyes were closed, she was asleep.

Nine hours later she reluctantly pulled herself out of bed to face the music. They were all waiting for her in the living room. She felt judged before she even walked through the door. It made her draw in on herself, put her on the defensive before she could even be glad to see them.

They looked the same. It was the first thing she noticed. Even after her years away, with all the changes she’d lived through and made in herself, they hadn’t changed in all that time. It even looked as though they were wearing clothes she recognized, which reminded her of years of being poor.

It wasn’t until after she left this house that she had new clothes. Always before she’d had to make do with hand-me-downs and the castoffs of her wealthier cousins.

2. Blood had splashed across the pillow and wall and there were finger streaks on the bedside table. It was a horrifying sight with no apparent source.

A. Blood had splashed across the pillow and wall and there were finger streaks on the bedside table. It was a horrifying sight with no apparent source.

There were signs of at least three victims, but the bodies were gone along with the comforter and sheets from the bed in the guest room across the hall. There was a broken window in the utility room, and a kitchen junk drawer that had been dug through. And there were two children that had somehow slept through whatever happened to their parents and mystery guest.

3. He humped against the pillow with growling grunts of effort.

A. He humped against the pillow with growling grunts of effort. He couldn’t get any leverage and there was no way he was going to be able to untie himself before his kidnapper came back.

As a Royal Prince of the Realm, Henry had faced the dangerous kiss of assassins’ blades and pitted his sword skills against the bravos of the Western Empire. He’d learned to push away fear and find his courage in times of adversity and war.

He’d charged into the guns without a hint of hesitation. Knowing–KNOWING–that he was going to die. It was only fate and luck that had spared his life, because in the moment he’d been fearless.

Yet here he was, tied to a bed in a strange room, terrified of what was going to happen next.

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