People Peeing Videos (commentary about videos, no actual videos) — no love

Thinking about things.

I was going to focus on "moral decency," but that seems to be a minefield of personal opinion about people wearing skirts that cover their whole ass.

So perhaps the term I want is "human decency."

The Internet says that "Basic human decency means not doing or saying anything to intentionally cause unnecessary harm to someone who is suffering. This is the core meaning behind history’s greatest moral precepts, from the Golden Rule to the Categorical Imperative."

Whenever there’s a "haha" video of someone peeing where they’re not supoosed to I cringe. I don’t watch that stuff on the Internet, why would I want it to pop up during a video compilation show?

  1. Because ew.
  2. What kinda weirdo is recording this?
  3. Who picked this video for us all to watch?

1 . Sometimes it’s someone randomly peeing in an inappopropriate place, but a lot of times it’s someone under the influence.

Like, your friend is so wasted they can’t really talk. They’re stumbling around. And now they’re pissing in the fish tank. So what are you doing?

If you’re not trying to stop your friend, you’re useless.

If you’re recording your friend so you have the video to show them later? You’re kind of an asshole*.

And if that video of your "friend" ever makes it onto the Internet? You’re an enemy.

That person is your friend, but you are not their friend.

  • more deets needed to decide

Because 2.

It’s bad enough you sat back watching your friend pee wherever, but you also recorded it. And somehow it became public viewing. (Enough that it’s on a TV show!)

If you posted that video, you’re terrible for making a spectacle of your friend.

If your friend, for whatever reason, wants to have the video posted and you don’t deny them? You’re terrible for not caring about your friend or their future happiness.

Because really, what seems "okay"-ish in the moment, can be a really. big. deal. in like 10 years (or 2 years if your friend wants to get a date).

You recorded your friend with their dingus out. You’ve already revealed a lot ABOUT YOURSELF.

Letting that video go public could be seen as a multi-tiered attack on your friendship depending on the options:

  • you let your friend embarrass themself so you could record it for your own amusement because they’re not really your friend, they’re your "friend"
  • you posted and monetized the video to cash in on your "friend"
  • you let the video get out of your control and someone else posted the video
  • you let your friend let you post the video to their future detriment (that’s totally your fault)

Whatever happened:

filming someone without their permission while they’re peeing/pooping/picking their nose/jacking it = you’re a weirdo

And if someone gives you permission to film them doing something for your pleasure? If that video ends up on the Internet, you’re a scumbag. There is no "sex-worker or not"-rider because it DOESN’T MATTER.

You’re the weirdo.

And 3:

Who the hell is picking these videos for us to watch? Seriously, dudes, who are these people and where the hell do they step off?

Like, those videos are out there, where someone is poking mean fun at someone that might not even realize they’ve been recorded because they’re too drunk to brain or they’re sleepwalking, and someone had to PURPOSELY seek them out just to put them on a TV show for a host to comment on. And we’re all supposed to laugh because "Haha, there’s a dick pissing lol", and it’s just awful.


Video after video of someone likely blowing a testicle, followed up by people pissing on themselves or in inappropriate places, and "Haha, what a loser" right?

Meanwhile, the people filming the videos?

Like, they’re putting people on blast for embarrassing things. Why are they getting a pass for being so terrible?

It’s just so cringe.

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