Title: Pulse of the City
Author: Harper Kingsley
genre: sci-fi, superhero, YA
Summary: The idea that he’d vaporized a bunch of living creatures so easily made her skin crawl. He could kill anyone he wanted, sweep up the evidence, and no one would ever know what he’d done. It was frightening.

Available for purchase at Smashwords and Amazon.

Here’s an excerpt from “PULSEĀ of the City.” Enjoy!

 Demons, angels, devils, and Ashley Valentine. Just a typical story about a boy joining a band, then having to go on a quest to defend everyone he loves from a vindictive demon.

This is my prerequisite band story, though it kind of outgrew the confines of such banality to become something fairly strange.

Working on “Pulse of the City.” It’s about Susie Smith, a girl that has amnesia after being found in a bunch of wreckage with a serious brain injury. No one steps forward to claim her and she ends up living with the Petersens, her foster family.  Everything seems to be settling down, then her old life intrudes on her new one.

Doing a last bit of editing on “Little Boy Blue” and had the semi-crazy thought… what if I dropped half of the end, and just kind of wrapped the whole story up? There’s a sequel, “Residual Blue” planned, but what if I just tied it all up now?  Argh! I’m gonna stop on LBB and give myself a chance to think about what I am and am not going to do…