I’m kind of excited.  Last night I sold my first copy of “Heroes & Villains,” and today I sold my first copy of “Blood Wine.”

I just love the thought that people are reading things that I’ve written and I hope that they like them :crossed fingers:  Not that I would stop writing–it’s something that I’ve always done–but I would probably cry myself to sleep or something else equally dramatic 🙂

So I would just like to take a moment to thank the first purchasers of my writings, and anyone else that would like to follow their great example 😉

I am so frustrated.  I’ve been hard at work on “Panic Pure,” yet I guess I managed to hit the wall without realizing it.  I’ve got everything all sketched out in my notes, but I’m stuck right in the middle.  It really kind of sucks.

I guess my best course of action is to take a step back, work on something else for a few days, and let my brain rest.  So that’s why I’ve decided to focus on my series of shorts.

Hopefully I can finish Panic soon.

As the superhero Starburst, Vereint received only derision and mockery. All his heroic endeavors resulted in nothing but humiliation. No matter how hard he tried, the world could only see him as a joke.

Eventually he was pushed into the life of a supervillain. He changed his name to Darkstar and began his reign over Megacity. He was unstoppable… yet somehow he managed to fall into myth and legend.

“Heroes & Villains” details the budding relationship between Vereint Georges and Warrick Tobias as they explore the idea of a superhero and a supervillain falling in love. It is a story of friendship, affection, romance, and super battles.

Read “Heroes & Villains