Oh yeah and

Oh yeah, and along with the cat drama melting my brain… The kitchen sink broke. Like, the pipe started leaking out of the blue, and even after replacing the whole works IT’S STILL LEAKING.

Like, a whole new set of undersink pipes was put in and it seemed great for like an hour. Then oops, there was some water inside the cabinet and the new pipes are leaking.

In the SAME exact spot as the old pipes!

For real. It’s bananas.

They’re going to fix it tomorrow, and until it gets fixed nobody is allowed to run water down the kitchen sink.

So it sucks. BUT it’s not quite as bad as the time a pipe popped off and the basement flooded. Or when the toilet broke and we had no toilet for like four days. THOSE were catastrophes. This is just an inconvenience that’s taking place at an emotionally inconvenient time.

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