I have to pee so bad! OMG

Lotta shit happening in the world today. And I mean that in the most literal of metaphorical ways.

As-in, “These people are literally taking a metaphorical shit on all our heads and telling us its raining because they want to get into heaven someday and someone told them it could only happen if they each make 144,000 people miserable.”

Like “My mission in life, as assigned by my lord and high savior, is to go out into the world and spread the message of some crazy guy that wants to marry and impregnate 12-year olds, so we have to make it legal otherwise he’s going to be so unhappy about people yelling at him about all the 9-year olds he had sex with. You know, for Jesus.”

Ugh. I really have to use the bathroom!

The bathroom and all its water sources are currently off-limits as he’s working on the pipes, but all I can think is that I really want to use the toilet. Like, my brain has shifted from “I think I might have to go” to “This is becoming a serious issue and I wonder if we have any coffee cans or plastic bags.” Ugh.

There’s people out there bitching that mental illness isn’t a real thing because “how can someone suffering lingering and undiagnosed pain become so depressed as to not do anything? That’s a personal choice” and here I am squirming because I need to use the toilet and it’s LITERALLY the only thing I can think about.

I can’t get up and do anything, because I desperately need to use the toilet. It is becoming the main focus of my ENTIRE BEING, and until it happens, I’m not going to be able to do or think of anything else.

Yet some dude is right now wondering how chronic pain can fuck up someone’s entire mood and life.

My dudes: You refuse to wear a mask during an outbreak of a deadly and debilitating disease because “It makes my face itch. I just can’t do it” yet we’re supposed to nod and agree when you say shit like “Mental illness isn’t real” and “Depression is a personal choice”?

GTFO. You’re made out of nonsense.

Anyways, they’re also trying to call a 10-year old a “woman” and they’re bending over backwards to do so.

And it’s like, rather than wondering why grown adults are trying to claim a 10-year old can safely carry and birth an infant likely 1/3 the size of their own body… The focus should ALSO be on why they’re so insistent on using the term “woman” for a child.

“You’re watering down the term ‘woman’ so as to make women lesser people” is a psy-op argument.

Whether the psy-op is transphobes trying to erase trans women* or anti-abortion people trying to place the blame of the pregnancy on a child because “That woman should have kept their legs close”… it doesn’t matter. Because the outcome is the same:

Rapists and rape apologists are victimizing children. And people are defending them by making the claim that only women can become pregnant.

The optics of someone saying “I want to have sex with that 9-year old child” looks bad compared to “That woman shouldn’t be allowed to have an abortion… think of the life of the child!”

Policing language to the point that people can’t use “pregnant people” because “only women can become pregnant” is a way to victimize children.

Because if “only women can become pregnant,” then people begin disregarding sex crimes against children.

“Why didn’t that woman keep her legs closed?” becomes the words of a total asshole when you consider that the “woman” in question is a CHILD.

And that transphobes and misogynists are shaking hands and Liking and Retweeting each other and sharing each others’ messages?

Not a surprise to anyone that lives in reality.

I mean, I just saw a story about a pregnant trans man going to the hospital with stomach pains and telling the doctor “I’m pregnant and it feels like there’s something wrong” and THEY DID NOTHING. Why? Because “We thought he was just an obese man suffering from heart problems because he was so super fat” was an acceptable excuse they could use for medical negligence that resulted in the miscarriage of a wanted pregnancy.

head explosion

My friends: Doctors and nurses PURPOSEFULLY ignored a man’s medical issues because

A) trans men don’t exist, which means he wasn’t really pregnant.
B) overweight people don’t deserve medical care.
C) the doctors and nurses are terrible people.

Exclusionary thinking results in deaths and disabilities ALL THE TIME.

Trying to tell me that “Ignore this problem because it doesn’t apply to YOU” while purposefully policing language and medical terminology doesn’t make you the anti-abortion transphobe king.

It makes you an agent of evil and you should seek psychiatric help rather than spreading your message of destruction far and wide.

“Pregnant people” = women, trans men, intersex people, and children.

Making pregnancy solely a “women’s issue” shifts the onus of the consequences of rape from the perpetrator to the victim.

Stop it.


  • I specifically mention trans women because they’re the ones receiving the bulk of the hate. Like, the argument that intersex people “don’t exist” and trans men being regularly ignored in most conversations is just another “interesting” facet of modern transphobia.

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