I’m not a hundred percent sure on what irony is, but I think this might be irony:

Like, all through the 80’s and 90’s, we made violent action movies where the protagonist is a dude that came back from the Vietnam War angry and struggling to fit back into a society that underwent a massive change while he was gone. And then in like, "Rambo," he came back and the police of a small town looked at him with all the suspicion of a police department that stereotyped Vietnam War vets as Big Problems. Which resulted in John Rambo becoming The Biggest of Problems.

Those cops likely had to explain a lot to the townspeople later on.

And then after we enjoyed all those action movies where some guy one-man armied his way through a mass murder event level of bad guys, we started being like "Therapy is a good thing. People that come back from military service should likely have some therapy, and the government should pay for it as a return for their service." So there’s been a lot more mental health efforts for those that served in Iraq and Afghanistan or Gaza than has ever been provided to those that served during Vietnam War times.

And now, rich dudes are making the brilliant decision to shutdown the VA and to destroy Social Security. Like, they are literally stepping into the bad guy roles of 90s action movie villains. The leader guy even has a really noticeable accent!

It is the year 2025. That’s like the time period they’d show at the start of the infodump they’d put at the beginning of a 90s action movie.

We are one "angry dude having a bad day" away from watching a dozen news stories about some guys Bruce Willis’ing their way through their own protagonist stories.

I don’t know whether to be terrified, or to stock up on popcorn in preparation for the show to start.

~Harper Kingsley







Disability Visibility at Amazon

Oh man, for the last like week and a half I’ve been quietly going crazy because of what I thought was a very painful zit that just wouldn’t heal. But we’ve all been told not to pick at our faces, so I’ve been washing it but otherwise leaving it alone.

Well, tonight I wasn’t paying attention and I scratched it.

The top skin split and whoop! An ingrown hair popped out.

I plucked the hair and OMG, I feel so much better! Like, even opening my mouth has been extremely painful for the last few days. And now, while it will take a few days to heal up, the pain is nearly all gone and I feel so much more comfortable.

It was to the right below my mouth, just above my dimple. Which means it was being tugged around every time I moved my mouth. And it felt like there was nothing I could do about it. I would just have to endure the pain that was preventing me from enjoying my everyday life.

And I guess that’s a metaphor for how ALL THAT is going. The pain is building up under the surface. A wound is growing bigger and bigger, swelling from the pressure. And when it’s all said and done… at some point the skin is going to split, the ingrown hair is going to pop up, and we’re going to pluck that motherfucker out and toss it into the trash where it belongs.

And the swelling is going to disappear as we force rich people to pay taxes like they always should have been. Otherwise we’re going to squeeze them out and disinfect the whole area, and that will be the end of them. Forever.

Just saying.

~Harper Kingsley







Panoply at Amazon

I’m not sure if there’s dead spots on my screen or if it’s the off-brand stylus I’m using, but I’ll be drawing and the lines will stutter out. It’s very frustrating and hard to deal with.

But I’m soldiering on like I’m a soldier or something.

Ugh. I’m in a whimsical mood. I’ll post a bunch on Patreon and destroy some wills to live. You’re welcome.

~Harper Kingsley






Uramichi Oniisan 01 at Amazon

I’m going to get back to making and posting coloring pages (at my Patreon). Why? Because I purchased a license to a drawing program.

I was using Sketchable before, but then they switched to Sketchable Pro, and when I looked at their permissions… I was shocked by the amount of access their drawing program wanted to have over my computer. Which made me leery enough. But in conjunction with their lack of updates, the most recent reviews they’ve received… and I chose a different program instead.

So to offset the money I paid, I have to use the program more. Which means making more coloring pages.

I post them on Patreon and sometimes on Ko-fi. They can be downloaded and printed out for coloring with markers, pencils, or crayons.

~Harper Kingsley




