
Heroes & Villains at Amazon

Okay, so back in the day I would read things by authors where they would give advice to “Don’t get your feelings hurt by one bad review. If you’ve got twenty good reviews and one bad review… just shake it off and let it go. There’s always going to be that one person that hates your writing. You can’t let one review drag you down.”

I would read that advice and snort and shake my head. I would be like, “There’s no way I would ever be like that. I’m never going to let one review totally ruin my day. I’m not going to be that kind of writer.”

Evidently I was wrong. I am totally that kind of writer.

Wah! My feelings are all stingy with despair and the foul brine of irony. I just need to stop reading reviews and checking my sales on Amazon to see if anyone likes my stuff.  So, so, SO lame.