Korean cooking videos

I was tooling around on Facebook, which took me to I Love Freaking Science, which is a great page, and through there I was introduced to Beatrice the Biologist, a blog and webcomic that makes science fun and interesting for everyone. I’m not that great at science stuff, but I’ve absolutely fallen in love. http://www.facebook.com/beatricebiologist.

Hand Asleep from Beatrice the BiologistBeatrice the Biologist – The comics are funny and entertaining, and I’ve learned little things that I never knew before. It’s put in a way that even non-sciencey people (like me!) can find something to be amused about.

Katie McKissick has several books available.

I wish I’d had some of these when I’d been a kid; my school life would have been very different. Seriously, I knew nothing about science and the idea of cells and biology and mitosis and … Well, I didn’t do well. It would have been so much better if I’d started school with at the very least a minimal understanding of what they were going to be teaching us in class. I have a hard time learning from lectures or the like, so instead I had to stumble through on my own.

So if you’ve got a kid in your life or someone that might be interested in a little science and a few laughs, Beatrice the Biologist is worth at least taking a look or two or twelve or even twenty four. Plus there’s something wonderful about seeing cells so happy and smiley. And the viruses and bacterias she draws make me laugh.

Beatrice the Biologist has been a great find, and I’m happy to share her with you.

Little Cells is a book for small children. It explains cells in a way that very young children can easily understand and it would make a great gift.
Little Cells on Amazon
Little Cells on CreateSpace.

Amoeba Hugs and Other Nonsense is a book of 24 comics and includes notes on where she got ideas. It looks like a lot of fun and would be great for people that need a little laugh.
Amoeba Hugs and Other Nonsense on Amazon
Amoeba Hugs and Other Nonsense on CreateSpace 
Signed and Inscribed Amoeba Hugs and Other Nonsense on Etsy.

Coming January 2014, What’s In Your Genes? can be preordered now from Amazon.

Cool stuff:

The Forgotten 1950s Girl Gang – http://www.messynessychic.com/2013/02/10/the-forgotten-1950s-girl-gang.

MM Good Book Reviews: Free Reads – http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com/free-reads.

Sharpie Marker Gift Mugs – http://www.infarrantlycreative.net/2012/11/sharpie-marker-art.html.

Little Legends: Custom Lego people – http://www.little-legends.com.

Grow soybean sprouts (kongnamul) at home from Maangchi-

Soybean sprout side side (kongnamul muchim) from Maangchi-

Soybean sprout soup (kongnamul guk) from Maangchi-

Korean soy bean sprout soup (kongnamul guk) from Omma’s Kitchen-


Do you have cool stuff you’d like shared? Let me know!


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