Prompt: 101. date night

Prompt: 101. date night

1. Even after all their years of marriage they still enjoyed date night. It kept their passion for each other alive.

A. Even after all their years of marriage they still enjoyed date night. It kept their passion for each other alive. Plus it was the one night a week where they left their kids with a babysitter and were able to enjoy adult conversation.

Sitting at a table for two, they would share an appetizer and each order a different entree they would split. And as they shared their food and conversation, it would feel like they were falling in love again. There would be another taste of that spark that first drew them together, and the night would end in an impassioned embrace.

2. Their date night had finally arrived and he was terrified. The last thing he wanted was to mess things up.

A. Their date night had finally arrived and he was terrified. The last thing he wanted was to mess things up. Lydia’s friendship was one of the few things he’d come to depend on in his life. He didn’t want to lose it.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror in his boxer briefs, he held a shirt in each hand and traded off holding one in front of his chest then the other. He couldn’t tell which one would look better and his nervousness was growing by the moment.

The last thing he wanted was to be all sweaty.

3. The community center had large signs set up advertising “Date Night.” It was a fun play on words for a night when people could come and pick through crates filled with fresh dates.

A. The community center had large signs set up advertising “Date Night.” It was a fun play on words for a night when people could come and pick through crates filled with fresh dates. There would be cheery music piped through the speakers and games for the children.

Everyone would come and have a fun night filling paper sacks or market bags with dates they could take home. And in-between there would be cups full of punch and a potluck dinner.

There were some people that spent the whole year looking forward to the next community Date Night.

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