Working on “Pulse of the City.” It’s about Susie Smith, a girl that has amnesia after being found in a bunch of wreckage with a serious brain injury. No one steps forward to claim her and she ends up living with the Petersens, her foster family.  Everything seems to be settling down, then her old life intrudes on her new one.

Uramichi Oniisan 01 at Amazon

Doing a last bit of editing on “Little Boy Blue” and had the semi-crazy thought… what if I dropped half of the end, and just kind of wrapped the whole story up? There’s a sequel, “Residual Blue” planned, but what if I just tied it all up now?  Argh! I’m gonna stop on LBB and give myself a chance to think about what I am and am not going to do…

Fortress in the Eye of Time at Amazon

Doing a last read through of “Little Boy Blue.” It’s driving me crazy and I feel like a need a nap, but I know I have to keep soldiering on.

It might not be so arduous if there were like tons of spelling mistakes to fix or something, but basically it’s just a read through.  And since I’ve read it before…

I think I’m going to make myself a cup of tea, maybe take a quick walk, then hopefully I’ll be ready to get back to it.

Wish me luck!

Prairie Fires at Amazon