Title: The Panic Pure
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm suspense thriller
Rating: mature

Summary: Daniel Worth, billionaire and CEO of Worth Enterprises is questioned by FBI agent Marshal Newman about the disappearance of one of his employees. They strike up a conversation and soon are regularly meeting and begin dating. However neither realizes just how close danger is lurking.

Read earlier chapters: http://www.harperkingsley.net/blog/free-reads/the-panic-pure/



 The hospital would never be one of Marshal’s favorite places. The smell stung his nose and there was a creepy vibe that never completely went away. Plus there were all the sick people.

He’d waited for several hours before the surgeon came out to say Joanna was in stable condition. She was going to live.

Merina, Joanna’s mom, burst into tears and soaked the side of Marshal’s shirt. “My baby, thank God, my baby.”

He awkwardly patted her on the back. Her bones felt fragile beneath her skin, like those of a bird. It scared him that he might hurt her.

Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

editing The Panic Pure
Editing The Panic Pure while watching The Venture Bros.

I write in Scrivener, edit in OpenOffice with Changes on, update my Scrivener file, then create a mobi to read on my Kindle where I can note minor changes still to make. In all, I read through each section 3-4 times before I do the final read through.


I have plans for The Panic Pure in the near future, which is why I need to clean it up and get it ready. As a result, I’m reading through it again and doing some editing work. As you can see, there’s a lot that goes in to making a manuscript truly readable.

By the time I’m done, every single paragraph will be coated in red and blue. There’s something oddly satisfying about seeing how much has been made different from one stage to the next.

Count Zero at Amazon

I’ve been writing on the whiteboard and I’ve taken lots of pics.

My New Year’s resolution was to share more and be more open to people. So I’ll be sharing my whiteboard pics. It seems a lot friendlier than dropping a chapter every now and again with no accompanying explanation.

Here’s from The End Times:
The End Times

The Armada of the Zerlking. I kind of picture an Invader Zim-type claw ship and that same attitude of “Mine!” The baddies claim everything in the universe in the name of the Zerlking.

* * *

For the hop, most people asked for f/m story, so I’m getting that one ready first. Here’s an excerpt:

Driven by the beat-heavy music, Tara was panicking. She stared at her reflection in the broad bathroom mirror. She’d screwed up her makeup, and the stuff she’d used didn’t want to be washed off. Her skin had a definite orange hue even after facial scrubbing three times.

“My god, I’m hideous!” She patted her skin dry with a washcloth and smoothed on some lotion.

There was a tug against her pant leg and she looked down at Scrappy-Doo, her sister’s chihuahua-terrier mixed breed. He barked at her, a single demand. She glared back at him. “Mind yourself, little dog. Go eat your food. And stop pouting. It makes you look pathetic.”

He whined a little, but spun around three times before lying on the floor, his chin resting on her slipper. He was so small she couldn’t even feel him on her foot.

“Stupid dog,” she muttered fondly. Looking at him had given her something else to focus on and she could feel some of the tension releasing from her shoulders. She’d have to remember to give him a snack before she left.

Tara drew in a deep breath and leaned forward to use the smaller, round beautician’s mirror she’d set up next to her makeup box. She had a lot of work to do and not much time to do it in.

Tonight was her anniversary with Edgar. They’d been going out for a year and he’d promised her a night of romance. They had reservations at the best restaurant in town and tickets to a musical theater show. She’d been excited for weeks.

* * *

Season 5 of The Venture Bros is coming out March 4, 2014 on DVD and Blu-Ray. I’ve gotta scrape up some bones to buy my copy. I love this show.


Prairie Fires at Amazon

Okay. Hopefully I’ve managed to wrangle all the commenters and everything. A couple of people didn’t give me their preferred format, so I’m going to have to hunt them down (full on safari style).

Other than that, this hop has been going great. Thank you to everyone that has entered. I love you!

Btw, I found out I could export my feedback for various posts as a .csv file, which has been extremely helpful.

* * *

Cool shizz: my dad bought me a brand new electric cook stove with a glass range top and a self-cleaning, coil-free oven. It’s so beautiful that I want to marry it and have its stovey babies.

I may have cried a bit when I saw it. Wonderful gift.

* * *

I’ve broken out my old Harvey Birdman DVDs and I’ve been enjoying rewatching them. They really are very good. Especially since Harvey Birdman is voiced by Gary Cole (not Gary Coleman, but the guy from Brady Bunch and Office Space) and the other man star is Stephen Colbert. That’s right. The man hisself 😛

* * *

Title: Faizel 02
Author: Harper Kingsley
World: Deacon
Genre: mm paranormal romance


He could feel dawn approaching, an encroaching unease across his every nerve, and wrapped himself closer against Faizel, never wanting to let go. He had never loved another as much as he did Faizel.

He fretted that someone would discover his secret and Faizel would be taken from him. To be used and abused, or worse, killed as an Abomination.

For once Charlemagne wished that he was stronger. He finally had something worth protecting, and he was weak. It had never bothered him that he was the meat of stronger Masters until now. Until Faizel had given to him his love.

“I will protect you,” he whispered. He let his hands make promises against Faizel’s bare skin.

“Or perhaps I will protect you.”

Once again Charlemagne swallowed back his instinctive fear. Faizel did not understand how dangerous and subversive their enemies could be. Charlemagne had protected him from the world outside, had watered down the horrors that existed outside of the apartment’s safety.

“I think that you would try and that frightens me,” Charlemagne said. “I could not bear to see you hurt for my sake.”

Faizel propped himself up on his elbows so he was above Charlemagne looking down. “And I don’t like you being hurt at all. I don’t like how Isadore or the others treat you. I don’t like that you let them abuse you and you don’t even imagine a world where things could be better.” He leaned close, his nose almost touching Charlemagne’s, his eyes fervent. “You are beautiful and gentle, yes, but you are also stronger than you dare to show.”

Charlemagne was humbled. “You have such faith in me.”

“Because you have none in yourself. You don’t see what I see when I look at you: the strength, the spirit, the fact that you could be so much more than you allow yourself to be. If you would only fight for what should be yours, you could be great.”

Charlemagne felt hypnotized by the fire in Faizel’s eyes, the pure conviction. He had never had so much faith focused on him, raw belief that he could be greater if he only wanted it enough.”

“I look at you and I don’t see a lesser master Made to serve others,” Faizel said. “I see an uncrowned king.”

Charlemagne gasped and flipped them over on the bed, pressing the fingers of one hand against Faizel’s lips to silence him. “Do not say such a thing. If anyone were to hear …”

Faizel pushed his hand away. “You are the only one here to listen and I hope that you do. Take my words to heart: you are so much more than you’ve let yourself be. you have greatness in you if you would only accept it.”

“You think too much of me.”

“And you don’t think about yourself enough,” Faizel said. “It makes me sad.”

Charlemagne wanted to tell Faizel that he was being foolish. He prepared himself to destroy the illusions Faizel had about his strength. But dawn was no longer approaching.

“It’s here,” Charlemagne whispered.

He slumped against the bed, shifting himself so he lay alongside Faizel as his body turned to dead-weight.

Dimly he felt a kiss pressed against his forehead and a brush of fingers through his hair. “I wish that you could see what I see when I look at you. If only you could believe in yourself a little bit.”

Charlemagne hated that hint of despair in Faizel’s voice. Hated that he had disappointed his only love by not being the well of strength he desired.

Then he knew nothing at all.