Moving hosting

So like, I’ve been dissatisfied for a ridiculously long time, yet I’ve kept paying lots (LOTS) of money for hosting. Mostly because it’s hard to transfer content. I’m lazy. I didn’t have enough money to pay annually (which is the only way to save on the price). And I didn’t know how to do it.

Like, years and years of putting up with something both frustrating and expensive has really worn away at me.

I just can’t do it anymore.

So I’ve purchased new hosting and I’m going to be moving my blog and my stuff. The site names should stay the same. Though I can’t figure out how to retain my subscription lists or my content so…

It’s time for a reboot. HarperKingsley net.2.0, Kimichee 2.0, and HarperKingsley com 1.0.

So while it sucks in the short-term, long-term I should be able to get the https function to start working. (It’s something I’ve been struggling with. And yet, still no automatic little lock appearing in the browser.)

Changes are ahead. This may be the last in-inbox post you receive. If you want to stay subscribed, please visit my sites in a few days and resubscribe.

I should have some new WordPresses up and going by then.

Sorry. But it’s way past time to fix the wreck of my websites.

Love you.



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