Let Them Eat Cake

Let them eat cake…

I skimmed this => http://qz.com/1015011/supreme-court-cases-if-the-court-decides-cake-baking-is-free-speech-it-will-affect-far-more-than-same-sex-weddings/ <= article from Quartz. And ugh.

The long title is “If the US Supreme Court decides cake baking is free speech, it will affect more than gay weddings” – and the article is all about how the US Supreme Court is hearing the case of  Masterpiece Cakeshop vs. the Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

Which sounds like a fight you might be behind — “Fuck the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Small businesses forever!” — except the cake shop is owned by assholes and I hope they lose. Plus, civil rights are a big deal and everyone should 100% support them.

Because the cake shop says that while they SELL cakes and cookies to LGBTQ customers as they are required to by law, they should not have to bake specialty cakes for them, ESPECIALLY wedding cakes.

Which, you know, whatever. A wedding is a recent legal construct crafted so men can keep women as chattel. That or it’s a beautiful lifetime event that one cake shop should not be allowed to ruin, so fuck them, take your business elsewhere, and leave them a review mentioning the lack of service.

“I went to Crappy Anti-Humanity Cakeshop and they gave me a cake covered in frosting dicks” should never happen.

Neither should “I went to Crappy Anti-Humanity Cakeshop and they went on-and-on-and-on about how my lifestyle choices are against God. So I told them to suck a dick and went to Dairy Queen.”

You know why? Because if you have a business and you want to sell to the public, you should put on your Customer Satisfaction hat, not your hateful Dangerously Unbalanced Religious Zealot hat.

Otherwise, shut down your storefront. Lock your doors. Cover your head with a purple blanket. And wait for the moon men to come take you away.

It is almost 2020. You don’t want hindsight to show that your business failed not because of a lack on the customers’ part but because of a moral failing on your own.

Out of all the people that PROUDLY protested the desegregation of schools… how many of them are seen as heroes now? And how many are viewed with the contempt of our modern society?

Something to think on.


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