is it weird to say that I feel powerful?

There’s been a great emotional upset, and I feel a bit tired and scared, but is it weird to say that I feel powerful too? Because it’s like the rules don’t apply to me anymore.

It gives me an almost weightless feeling.

There’s lots of work to be done if we want our country to survive the upcoming troubles, but it’s okay. We’re strong. We’re going to stay strong. And when we come out the other side… we’re going to be stronger still.

The only thing I worry about is all the people dwelling in misery and despair bringing down the younger generation. There’s children that have literally known no other President than Obama. They’re not ready for an evil man in office, and with the way people have shrugged off what’s happening around the world, they’ve been kept insulated by bad jokes told by people that don’t have enough awareness to be terrified.

But they will be.

And that’s what frightens me and makes me sad. Children and teens are going to start looking around and realize what their parents and grandparents have done to them. That there was almost a country where everyone had equal rights and everyone could find their place — and it’s most likely been taken away from them.

Because laws are going to be written. Things are going to be said. Violence will happen.

And rather than being able to shrug and say “Well, we’ve got four years to live through. Another lame duck Presidency” it’s going to be “Oh shit, these assholes have rewritten ALL the laws. We’re going to be screwed for decades.” And that sucks.

Because my nephew is sad and I don’t know how to tell him it’s all right.

I don’t know how to explain why I’m so relieved that he can pass for White. That he doesn’t look Asian like me, my sister, or my brothers.

That he’s not his cousin, who is half-White, who self-identifies as White, but who looks Black.

And it sucks that at 13-years-old, he is too young to have a frame of reference for what’s happened to our country.

That racism, sexism, bigotry, and xenophobia have won the battle — but will not win the war.

Because we are strong. And we will come through stronger.

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