
So… a lot of things happening in the world right now. Serious shit going on.

People getting shot left and right. Fascism on the rise.

There’s a darkness lurking everywhere. And gobbling voices feeding the fire. Profiting on the misery they misquote and misframe for the laughing joy of their delusional subscribers.

Serious, yo, those OAN people went on the record saying they KNOW and KNEW their content was and is inflammatory garbage that directly led to the events of January 6th.

Like, ugh. "I’m not saying you’re going to burn for an eternity in real life Hell… but I’m hoping you do. Just for this trash you’re performing in this life? I hope the afterlife your religion is based on is real."

I played Dante’s Inferno. That’s some hardcore nonsense happening between those many circles of Hell. I don’t think it’s a good time. At all.

So yeah. A lot of shit going on. A lot of shootings. A lot of police brutality and bad police PR happening that shouldn’t be happening. Especially for the amount of money their departments are being paid.

I always thought police departments made all those millions of dollars because they have to pay the families of the people they injure or kill. But no. CSI lied to me. CSI lied to us all.

The police receive their MASSIVE budgets, but when they fuck up? That’s paid for by the city/town.

"Why can’t we have that new playground?"

"Why don’t we have enough social workers?"

"Why are there so many homeless people dirtying up the neighborhood?" 😬😒🤕


"Why can’t we have Medical For All even though the medical situation in the U.S. is appalling?"

"Why can’t they fix that pothole?"

"Why can’t they give all kids a healthy free lunch?"

And to find out there’s police departments out there being financially backed by FOREIGN Big Oil companies? (E-something from Canada).

Like wtf?!?

They don’t need military weaponry to do their jobs.

Better mental health services would solve so many more problems and probably not cost as much. It would take a big chunk out of the Lizard People-conspiracy theorists and the "I smoked weed and threw an old lady off a balcony"-weirdness happening in the world today.

I want things to become a better normal.

Does that make sense?

The old normal was a flawed design.

All the people that want to go back to it? Were the ones that benefited from a broken system. They had a super awesome time while children starved at a school that can’t afford desks.

I want a BETTER normal so bad.

So I’m gonna push for it. What else can I do? (We do?)

Dystopian Futures are only fun when they’re fictional.

Climate change is real. Gun violence is real. Police brutality is real. Media bias is real. The virus is real.

And it’s not the only virus. There’s an EXPLOSION of HIV/AIDS cases happening amongst children in Pakistan.

Because assholes are reusing syringe needles.

A 9-month old baby is already showing symptoms. Her doctor/volunteer medical person gave it to her.

They’re saying 400,000 people will have starved in Yemen by the end of this year if the situation isn’t fixed. If humanitarian aid (FOOD!!! and medical supplies) isn’t allowed for the people.

Our "ally" is the one killing all those people. And we’re complicit.

Like, watching another waitress spit on someone’s food and serve it…

Like, helping form "news" stories and push conspiracy theories to the detriment of society…

Like, refusing to let a whole group of people be vaccinated because you want to steal their land (? I don’t even know why they’re doing it. But if they don’t care about the parallels in genocidal behavior they’re exhibiting… maybe a PR person needs to point out how bad they’re fucking up with "the optics." Because right now? The optics are bad. Real bad.)…

Like, state troopers dressing up like the National Guard and terrorizing protesters and journalists…

Like, a little boy being murdered and having people ACTIVELY defame him (The Snopes article is in-progress: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/toledo-adam-shooting/ but all signs to him being "a gang banger"? None. The police/DA/prosecutor(? guy that apologized, whatshisname?) defamed him for PR purposes. (And don’t get me started on the 48-hours where his mother was desperately searching for him and filed multiple missing persons reports to the police that were likely trying to cover their own butts.))…

Like, government officials running sex traffic rings out of their offices…

Like, cryptocurrency company ads being targeted at me when I’ve explicitly said "I don’t like this" (because I don’t have the money to waste/lose. I’m not some rich person dabbling in finances or a "Dark Web 👻" vendor with things to sell. Plus the idea of crypto dusting? The lack of FDIC insurance? I’m sorry. I don’t have enough (any) money to play around with. Stop trying to cryptoshame me.)…

The metaphorical world is shifting on its axis. Society is evolving as we become more self-aware of the impact we have on our environment.

And there are some people ACTIVELY fighting the changes that would benefit themselves, their families, their friends, their nice neighbor they don’t want to see anything bad happen to. Like, to the point of printing out fake CDC vaccination cards so they can trick people into thinking they and their children are vaccinated when they are not. Like, to the point of losing their ever loving minds.

I don’t like what’s happening. I don’t "understand" what’s happening. I don’t want what’s happening to continue.

We’re living in interesting times. Global society is evolving from the Pyramid Scheme-philosophy to the Upside Down Pyramid Scheme("The pay your fucking employees")-philosophy. And the 40% are mad because they don’t want to pay tax money–a PITTANCE amount compared to what they’re pocketing–so they’re willing to donate to AWFUL awful people (and to the politicians that SUPPORTED January 6th and the Stop the Steal campaign).

In the midst of pandemic and global climate disaster, there are people actively making things worse.

So yeah. A lot of things happening in the world right now.



Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

Kinda moved :/ All my tables are gone.

I’ve still gotta go back through and fix my pages/menus. but whatev. I was honestly expecting everything to be gone with the amateurish way I handled things ::mad laughter::

Anyways, have something to read:

EXCERPT: Through a Far Off Window

He watched the living room TV through the kitchen window of the brownstone three blocks away. He liked the lady that lived there. She always had the subtitles on.

He mentally catalogued the drone of the professor, but the bulk of his attention was on the TV show. It was a petty use of metability. He knew that voyeurism was wrong.

Yet still he watched through her window. Weekday after weekday, vicariously enjoying the media that she consumed. Occasionally catching a view of her as she passed through the room. One time she’d starting playing a dancing video game and he’d been amused at her wild gyrations.

She was entirely unselfconscious in her own home. Sure that nobody could see her in her upstairs apartment.

Sometimes he was tempted to tell her to step out of the way when she blocked his view of the TV. Other times he wished that she would turn just so and enable him to see the page of the book she was reading with such fascination while things exploded and action happened on her big screen TV.


An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good at Amazon

So I shut off anonymous commenting on my LiveJournal. I was suddenly getting a lot of weird spam messages because I’d joined the rankings. There were hundreds of screened comments and there was just no way I could get through them all. LiveJournal never told me they were there, so I probably dropped the ball responding to some legitimate comments too, which makes me feel bad.

Anyway, to test this out I logged out of LiveJournal and tried to comment on a post.

“Error: this user has turned off anonymous commenting.”

What the heck, LJ? That’s so stupid. Why would that be the first option, especially when it’s turned off? There’s all these commenting options — OpenID, Twitter, Facebook — yet the default is Anonymous when someone clicks from the front page.

It’s like they’re actively discouraging commenting from non-LJ users.

Hogfather at Amazon

Sometimes I like to go on Amazon and take a peek through the free apps. I’ve found a few winners — ColorNote is definitely one — and of course there’s been a few losers.

Well last night I found Icon Diary — which has the icon of a teddy bear — and I’m actually really enjoying it. Especially since it lets me update my little png diary entries to Twitter or Facebook or whatever. It’s very cute and easy.

I guess I’m just one of those people that believes people should have a little fun in their life. Add a bit of cute nonsense to counteract all the grim reality.

Plus this app seems like something a kid would really enjoy.
