
Great shows I recommend:

Better Off Ted
Big Bang Theory
Dead Like Me
Pushing Daisies (I love Lee Pace, so that’s a plus. But even though I really loved the first episodes, I didn’t like it nearly as much later on.)

I’m currently watching “Better Off Ted” and just laughing and laughing. It’s so ridiculously funny, everything made so extravagantly large that even the most ridiculous of things seems plausible.

I enjoy that sense of whimsy.

Faizel 02 at Amazon
A City On Mars at Amazon

I’ve been trying my hand at watercolor painting. It has not been going well at all 🙁 While I have the eye of a great artist, I have the drawing/painting skills of a less than third grader. It is very sad.

There’s so many things I want to be able to do, so I get kind of sad when I try my best and it doesn’t come out very well. Still, I’m going to keep at it and hopefully I’ll find some kind of skill at it. If not, at least I’ll have enjoyed myself.

Hogfather at Amazon

I’m desperately trying to get into writing my NaNoWriMo, but I’ve also got a ton of other projects going on all at once. Why? Because I like to think that I’m good with a deadline whipping me on (how naughty! As well as untrue…)

Anyways, I’m trying to get some of my projects into print, so you should be able to find my TPBs on like Amazon and possibly in the library at some point ^_^; Honestly, what I really need is a keeper, that way I could just write and make covers and someone else could handle all the rest of it.

What’s coming up:
HEROES & VILLAINS–a trade paperback. New cover, new edit, same great story ::cheese!:: [mid-December]
BASTIAN–ebook. [early-2012]
TOPPING–ebook. [early-2012]
OMNIVORE 01–an ebook and trade paperback containing “Fantasy” by L.A. Moore, along with several original shorts [2012]
THE BROWNSTONE DIARIES–a trade paperback containing “Echo,” “Bastian,” and “Topping,” all by Sol Crafter [mid-2012]

FDtC update: 16,000+ words. Yeow. So much more to do…