
A “lot” of dudes right now being like “I was not aware that I was making millions of dollars being a Russian stooge.” And not a one has offered to give up the money. So…

I don’t know when treason became something people casually shrugged off and not something that put people in prison… But I think they should be put in prison. They for sure should not be allowed to keep their YouTube channels, corporate sponsorships, or social media platforms.

Like, they were accepting money to foment political unrest, and not a one of them was like “Are we the baddies? Maybe this isn’t the best idea.” They simply cashed the checks, and now they’re acting like they were “poor widdle babies deceived by the evil country that allowed a racist fascist to ‘win’ the 2016 election.”

We’re supposed to feel sorry for them because they accepted money to make and spread videos focused on destroying the United States.

Like “Thank you for the rise of incel culture and all the benefits it has lead to for no one.”

I don’t know when we slipped over into the bad timeline, but it might have been centuries before any of us were born. So sad.

~Harper Kingsley






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