I have to keep reminding myself to write more, post more, share more. Like, I’m writing all these notes and saving photos and doing all this stuff, but then I don’t post any of it because it’s not perfect the way I want.
"Perfect is the enemy of good."
Sometimes you can post something that’s just good. Like, later, you can come back and perfect it as much as you can. Because nothing is ever perfect, no matter how much you would want it to be.
Because at our core we’re human, and we fuck things up. We make typos. We forget the meanings of words. Or we think a word means something when it means something completely different.
Take the word "vermilion." My brain keeps insisting that that’s a shade of green. But it’s not. It’s a red-orange color.
I learned something wrong at some point when I was forming my sense of self, and no matter how I try as a mature intelligence, I can’t change that early learnt falsity.
And I was lucky. I grew up knowing that vaccines are miracles. Water is wet. Gravity is what keeps us from flying off the Earth, and that the Earth is round and spinning fast, and that’s why gravity exists.
There was never anyone in my childhood that purposefully tried to give me wrong information so as to maintain power and control over me. Any weird, wrong information I picked up, it was my own mistakes of misunderstanding. There was no nefarious adult attempting to indoctrinate me into a cult of stupidity.
And yet I still make mistakes. Because I am human, and no human is perfect.
I just try to be good enough.
~Harper Kingsley
I’ve always thought of vermilion as green, and chartreuse as a dark pink.