Twitter Roundup: a mix of stuff

Honestly, I’m terrified of getting the shingles.

And so, of course, they’ve started showing commercials about the shingles on TV. Like, super graphic imagery of someone possibly dying from the shingles.

Why, man? Why do me like that?

I’m going to get the shot. I’m desperately terrified of sickness and disease and things that involve the skin opening up in painful and unnatural ways.

I feel like a masochist, paying for cable TV so I can be tortured with PTSD-causing imagery of real people suffering.

Blue pilled? Red pilled? Fukk that noise. Don’t get Peggy Hilled!

I’m sorry, but I’d forgotten she’d stealth-fed Hank testosterone that one time until I saw the previous gif. Then I saw her with pill bottle and her smirk as she dropped it in his coffee, and the memory of that episode flooded back into my brain hole.

Like, he gets hurt or he gets diagnosed with low testosterone, but he doesn’t want to use the pills. So she respects his decisions and… Naw.

She straight-up starts feeding him testosterone without his knowledge.

He experiences all kinds of side-effects, including aggression, and he has no idea that it’s because she was drugging him without his knowledge.

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