The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

I watched "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent" starring Nicolas Cage and Pedro Pascal. It was my second time, and I didn’t remember much from the first time.

I think the first time I watched, I was badly effected by the early scene where he gets drunk and ruins his daughter’s birthday party. It’s one of those scenes where I cringed so hard I wanted to crawl under the couch. Just super uncomfortable.

Took a bit of the punch out of the rest of the movie, is what I’m saying.

On the second watch I closed my eyes and ears during that whole bit, and it was a much more enjoyable movie. I mean, sure, there were still some parts of it that were like "This could have been cut or changed and it would be better," but the interactions between Nicolas Cage and Pedro Pascal’s Javi were a delight.

I’m not ever saying that it’s on my list of favored movies, but it was a fun lazy evening watch. (When they’re on LSD lol!)

I’m not saying you should rent or buy the movie. But if it’s already on your streaming service, why not give it a shot? Other than the birthday party scene, the rest is a fairly enjoyable watch.

~Harper Kingsley

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