
So basically, now I have a blog, a forum => http://harper-kingsley.1061646.n5.nabble.com/ <= and am working on making a webpage. In all, that’s a pretty full plate, amirite?

Don’t worry though. This blog here will continue to be what it is–a place where I spill out the inner workings of my mind when I feel like there’s something to spill. The forum will be a place where I can chat lightly with anyone willing to talk to me (I’m so lonely!), and the webpage will have individual pages for each novel/novella as they are published and will be a rather more formal setting than this blog or the forum.

UPDATES: Wrapping up editing on “Pulse of the City.” I know I said this before, but I got sidetracked (MAKING A FORUM!) working on “The Wedding” which should be coming out in a couple days as well. So in all, that’s pretty cool. “Pulse of the City” available tomorrow, “The Wedding” the day after, then I have to wrap up “The Honeymoon.” Very much of the good all around.

Allies & Enemies at Amazon

I’m kind of excited.  Last night I sold my first copy of “Heroes & Villains,” and today I sold my first copy of “Blood Wine.”

I just love the thought that people are reading things that I’ve written and I hope that they like them :crossed fingers:  Not that I would stop writing–it’s something that I’ve always done–but I would probably cry myself to sleep or something else equally dramatic 🙂

So I would just like to take a moment to thank the first purchasers of my writings, and anyone else that would like to follow their great example 😉