
There have been times when stories appear in my brain fully formed and all I have to do is write them down. That’s how “Laughing Curse” has struck me; I dreamt the story last night and now it’s bouncing around in my brain.

The only thing I wish is that I hadn’t been woken up and I’d been able to see the whole thing. That would have made me so happy.

It shouldn’t be too long before I let you all meet Santiago and Edgar, man adventurers, or something.

Prairie Fires at Amazon

I don’t even know what I was thinking when I started this 🙁

The first time he saw her, Jimi knew that she was the One. The Neo to his Trinity.

She was all lean muscle and leather, her body sleek and smooth as dolphin skin. She looked like a hard woman, and the idea of it had him squirming.

She was everything he’d been dreaming of.

“All right, let’s go,” he said, striding forward. At the same time he accessed his data node and sent a quick message: I accept. Your money is being transferred as we speak. Half now and half when I leave.

So yeah. There’s a reason why I like to write full notes when I come up with a story idea. That way when I’m flipping through my notebook later I can figure out what the heck I was thinking, especially if I was inebriated at the time.

This might possibly be an S&M piece, or some kind of true love story, or I don’t even know 🙁

Bad me! No biscuit.

An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good at Amazon

Bought the Blu Ray of “Kingdom of Heaven.” It’s such a great movie that I can’t believe it didn’t do any better in the theater. It must have looked truly awesome on the big screen. Beautiful scenery, an engaging story, and Orlando Bloom was incredibly hot in this movie; Liam Neeson wasn’t too bad either for an old dude ^_^; Lots of sword action and the extended edition has a whole sidestory that is pretty fascinating too.

All Systems Red at Amazon