Warrick Tobias

Title: Allies & Enemies
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm, superhero, action adventure, drama
A/N: Still trying to get a hold of a good cover 🙁 Paid good money for a load of nothing. Might end up with a generic quivering camera photo of flowers or fruit or something for a cover; still deciding.

Summary: Starts where “Heroes & Villains” left off. Vereint could be a terrifying and unstoppable force and it was just luck that he showed even the tiniest bit of concern for other people. If he had been completely amoral he would have been a monster so terrible he could almost be seen as a force of nature.

The sun was struggling to shine through the clouds, but it was just one of those days guaranteed to be miserable. Not just because of the weather, but because of the girl sobbing out her heartbreak on a sterile hospital bed, the sheets pulled up around her shoulders as she buried her face in the rather flat and lumpy pillow.

Vereint clenched his hands together on the handle of the shopping bag he held in front of himself. It took all of his will to keep from running into the room and scooping her up into his arms. Instead, he stood on the other side of the glass and watched her mourn the loss of both of her parents all alone. Behind and to the left of him, he could hear Warrick fast-talking the doctors and the police and anyone else he had to and Vereint was sure everything was going to work itself out.

They were going to take that little girl home and give her a family and make sure she grew up knowing that she was loved. He didn’t think they could ever wipe away the loss of her parents, but they would try their best to make her realize that she still had a whole life to live and that they would always be there for her.

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"book cover: Heroes & Villains"Title: Heroes & Villains
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: superhero, science fiction, gay
Word count: 135,000+
Novel rating: M
Excerpt rating: PG-13

Summary: Starburst – loser, joke, failed superhero.
Darkstar – powerful, dark legend, supervillain.
Both Vereint Georges

Vereint has spent his entire life dreaming about being a superhero, and now he’s registered his name and set out to make his dream a reality.

Except nothing is going quite the way he planned.

No one respects him. His name – Starburst – is mocked far and wide. And Blue Ice – the hero he’s looked up to for years – thinks he’s nothing but a loser and a joke.

So what other choice does he have but to force the world to respect him?

And to that end he transforms himself into the world’s most feared supervillain. Darkstar.

Set in a world where metahumans are fairly common, Vereint has been gifted with extraordinary power. Unfortunately, with great power does not come great popularity. Not until the good boy goes bad… then the wannabes pop out of the woodwork and bring terror to the world at large in his name (“AS DARKSTAR WILLS THE DARKSTERS FOLLOW.”)

Reminiscent of the comic books of old, the world of “Heroes & Villains” is actually a pretty grim one. With one okay from the CMPF (Central Metahuman Policing Force) a metahuman found breaking the law can lose all of their basic human rights. If they’re lucky, they’re executed. If they’re not lucky… well, no metahuman wants to end up in Butcher Bay.

The good guys in “Heroes & Villains” aren’t so good, and the bad guys aren’t so bad. And Vereint is just a guy that wants to get ahead in the world.