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Currently working on “Maple Leaf: Stage 1.” This is a project that leaves me feeling incredibly hopeful about the world and life in general. It’s much lighter than what I usually go for and it makes me feel as though I’ve in someway been carried back to a more innocent time.

Nadia–a girl with a secret past she’s trying to forget.
Bran–incredibly poor, he has big dreams for a much better future.
Winter–she never thought she would have to get over her first love.
Jason–all he’d ever wanted was a family; a group of people that would love him.
Freya–she’s always gotten her own way, and she’s not going to let that change now.
Benjamin–he was just doing a favor; he never expected for things to go so wrong.
Tia–being kidnapped was the most terrifying experience she’s ever had. She just wished it was over already.