Sol Crafter

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So, this little thing I’ve been working on, “Ersatz,” will be available soon for $0.99 purchase. It’s a short piece, though it’s wormed its way into my black little heart.

I’m looking to give away 10 free epub copies, so if anyone’s interested, just leave a comment and I’ll email you back.

by Sol Crafter

“So, what’s it like being in an ersatz homosexual relationship?”
“What?” His head whipped around so he could stare at Julie in surprise.

Cast of characters (just the mains, baby):
John–our MC. Comes across to others as the strong silent type, but since we’re following this story with him, we get more of a view of the inner workings of his mind.
Charlie–can be somewhat goofy, he’s a good guy and John’s happy to call him his best friend and roommate.
Neidelmeyer–the friend that’s always willing to mooch off the people around him.
Julie–the rather intrusive girlfriend of one of their friends.

One innocent question, and the lives of two friends are completely changed forever.

"book cover: Ersatz"
book cover: Ersatz, by Sol Crafter
Fortress in the Eye of Time at Amazon

I’m pretty excited about having signed up for the Blog Hop and I’m hoping that a lot of people decide to play 🙂

Read the excerpt below, make a comment, and you’ll be in the running towards winning an ebook of your choice. One winner will be chosen for each day of the Blog Hop–16, 17, 18–to receive an ebook, and at the end one grand prize winner will be chosen out of all the entries to receive a free paperback copy of “Heroes & Villains.” (The ebook winners can choose a title from anything I’ve written.)

“Doggy Style” by Sol Crafter
mm romance, supernatural
Through a strange mix of circumstance, Zack Branagh has been turned into a dog.


Uramichi Oniisan 01 at Amazon

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Wow, “Echo” has been a really big hit. I am honestly surprised.

It is set to be included in “The Brownstone Diaries,” which will also contain “Bastian,” “Topping,” and the tentatively titled “Ai-Go” which will be released probably around mid-2012. Each story will be released separately as ebooks, since they are all novella length, then they’ll be printed together. I just didn’t think it would be worth it to have them all be their own separate TPB considering the cost of production for a paper book.

Still, Echo has done so well that I have made it into a TPB (only 80 pages!) and it is available for $5.99, which really isn’t so bad. I just thought that more readers should have an opportunity to check it out, and it’s perfect for me to include in giveaways and such.

I couldn’t list it on Amazon without raising the price, but you can find it at its own page here==> ECHO