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Title: Fierce
Larger work: Shame
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm contemporary
Warning: Possible triggers for mention of past non-con.

A/N: Fierce and Conflagration will be added to the original Shame. There will be a non-Shame version called “Without Shame” too if you want to stay away from the unpleasant.

Summary: Simon Peters is dealing with the aftermath of the events in Shame. It’s a long slow road, but he refuses to give up.


There were moments in the stillness where Simon found himself afraid. He would close his eyes only to have to open them again, his every sense quivering alert, sure the boogeyman was going to get him. Again.

He hated being so scared all the time. He hated that there were marks on him he couldn’t see. He hated that someone as sick and twisted as Damien Prince had left such a permanent scar on his mind.

Hogfather at Amazon

THE RED BEAD — So what the hell is this? Well, I watched “The Black Donnellys,” “Hatfields & McCoys” and “The Sopranos” and my little brain started percolating. Then I read the bios of a couple of guys named John Brisker and Jack Johnson, and of course I’m completely in love with “Daron’s Guitar Chronicles.”

All that being said, I was struck by a deluge of awesome and the character of Anselm “Devil Anse” Lotham came into being along with the rest of his crazy ass family.

The free webserial follows the life of Anse, either through his own short introspection pieces, or through his top enforcer Lee Shuman. Starts at the very beginning when they’re not famous, and follows through to all the stuff with Interpol and the bodies chopped up in the bay.

I started a page just for The Red Bead, and it’s here at so you can just follow the story with none of the other shenanigans that go on here 🙂


UPCOMING REVISIONS — Because sometimes they need to happen.