Faizel 02 at Amazon

I hate doing research!!! Okay, honestly, I had a good time this time 🙂 Especially when it included watching a bunch of soap operas and flipping through magazines. That is truly the kind of research that I enjoy. I’m so lazy.

My little sideline, “Maple Leaf,” is coming along very nicely and I’m tentatively hopeful that people will like it.

It’s not usually my thing and I think most people would be kind of surprised that I’m actually that “sweet and sensitive” because I totally come across as HARDCORE! Okay, not that hardcore, but a bit hardcore. Or at least like an emotionless robot.

OMG, just saw this Quicken Loan commercial. “Will you marry me?” The girl has a shocked, maybe happy expression, then she lowers her hand from covering her mouth and it’s more a “Oh crap, what now” expression. “I’m sorry, no. I think we should see other people. Especially your best friend.” Made me laugh, even though it was kind of stupid. Still, I bet in a couple of years he’ll be grateful that at least she was honest about it and didn’t wait to tell him until after they were married or even after he blew a ton of money on a gigantic wedding.

Hogfather at Amazon

Now that I’ve gotten my computer problems all handled, I’ve been getting back to the task of writing.

-I’ve made some definite progress editing “Heroes & Villains.” 100 pages today!!! Wow.

-I added 2000+ words to “From Diamond to Coal” this morning

-And I’m totally kicking butt at “My Farm Life,” one of those stupid time management games.

It’s funny, but I’ve always kind of thought of myself as night owl, but it’s obvious that I get the most work done during the early morning. So from now on, I guess that’s what I’m going to be doing. Works good 🙂

Now all I have to do is figure out how to get Semagic to work again. I’ve managed to get LJ and DW up and running with it, but it won’t work with WordPress. I dunno, I can log in and make my entries, but I just like being able to save drafts, write things when I want to, and just generally be able to post entries without opening Firefox. Mostly because every time I bring up Firefox, I have to spend an hour looking at different stuff and just generally poking around. There’s a reason why standalone blogging clients were first created.

Prairie Fires at Amazon