
So I got into a bit of an argument with this guy about the N-word. He kept insisting that because black people use it, it’s okay for him to use it.

I was like, “No. It’s not a good idea to use that word, not just because you’re white and it makes you sound racist, but because someone is going to punch you in the face.”

So he went on about how when he went back to Kansas for his dad’s funeral, everyone used the word. It was synonymous with “black guy,” and even if people weren’t advertising it on the news or whatever, everyone used it.

Then when I asked him how long it’s been since he went to Kansas, he was like “Five years ago for the funeral,” and I was like, “More like ten or fifteen since he died. Times have changed. It’s not all right to use that word. It doesn’t matter if other people use it; that’s their risk. The word is not acceptable to use, even more so since you’re white and older and you have all these views about Chinese people taking over the world, and Koreans eating dogs. Besides, you don’t live in Kansas, you live in the Pacific Northwest. Just, no.”

He was upset and defensive, and I felt bad because I have this thing about not wanting people mad at me, but I get offended hearing him use the word. I’m not black, I’m half-Asian, and it’s weird, but when I went down south, there’s this thing where a lot of people love Asian women. I can’t explain it, but it’s like reverse racism, and yet it still felt uncomfortable to me.

Anyways, he tried to defend his use of the N-word, even going so far as to say that he had a black friend.

Dude, if you have to use the “I have a black friend” excuse to justify something that you’re doing … It’s wrong.

The N-word is not a good word and it’s not okay to use it, ESPECIALLY toward a person or a group of people. It’s offensive to nearly everyone, even if they’re not a person of color.

Just because you’re older and you grew up saying something or hearing something, times have changed. The N-word is wrong, gay people have rights, and if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Defending your right to use the N-word = You’re wrong. Just stop.

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She saw a woman open her car door and step out. Brown fur trimmed boots, dark blue skinny jeans hung so low half of her naked butt was showing, a baby blue sweater, an attractive face with dark red lips and sunglasses, all topped with a mass of riotous dark curls. The woman’s head turned, her arm extending so her hand could rest on the car door, and her hair whipped around in a smooth brown curtain. In that moment, in that light, the woman was beautiful.

“Ew, butt crack,” she said, laughing. As she watched, the woman looked around, then ducked back into her gray sedan. The door quietly closed behind her.

“Really, you can see someone’s butt crack?” Bill asked, looking up.

“You missed it.” She felt kind of bad for him. The young woman really had been quite pretty. He’d really missed out. Not that she would ever say anything about it to him. It would be too weird.