
“Fiends” — It’s a novella about a young devil sent to seduce a normal man, but ends up being the one seduced instead.

Dramatis Personae:
Teablossom — our devilish seducer.
Henry Lerner — our intrepid hero.
Karas — the opposition.
Riordan James — the lost love.

The story begins with Henry wallowing in grief over the death of his lover, and Teablossom is exactly as advertised–a fiend.

Hogfather at Amazon

Post thumbnail

Wow, “Echo” has been a really big hit. I am honestly surprised.

It is set to be included in “The Brownstone Diaries,” which will also contain “Bastian,” “Topping,” and the tentatively titled “Ai-Go” which will be released probably around mid-2012. Each story will be released separately as ebooks, since they are all novella length, then they’ll be printed together. I just didn’t think it would be worth it to have them all be their own separate TPB considering the cost of production for a paper book.

Still, Echo has done so well that I have made it into a TPB (only 80 pages!) and it is available for $5.99, which really isn’t so bad. I just thought that more readers should have an opportunity to check it out, and it’s perfect for me to include in giveaways and such.

I couldn’t list it on Amazon without raising the price, but you can find it at its own page here==> ECHO

Fortress in the Eye of Time at Amazon

So my brother’s birthday is on the 21 of October, so I thought I’d give away copies of “Pulse of the City” until his birthday. Pick it up at and enjoy.

Go grab a  free copy of YA superheroine novel “Pulse of the City.” Coupon Code: JD58M Expires Oct 21.

Please read and review! Why? ‘Cause that would be awesome. Like Totally.

Witch King at Amazon

Here’s “H&V: The Wedding” on Smashwords and here it is on Amazon 

Looking at it in the light of day, yeah, that cover is really just too cute for what goes on inside the story. It looks like it’s supposed to be a comedy piece, but it’s more a serious superhero story.

Maybe I need to find myself a good cover artist, though it needs to be someone that’s pretty cheap considering I’m so poor 🙁

If I want to be able to afford the expensive cover artist, I guess I’m just going to have to write more and sell more. That’s logic right there ^_^

Next project: “Bastian.” I think it’s coming out pretty good.