
I don’t know what it says about my personality that I allow myself to become so upset about things I read on the Internet. Sure, there might be lots of people on the Internet going around doing whatever it is that they do, but in all honesty the Internet is not the real world. It is a group delusion perpetrated by millions of people all imagining that they’re existing on the same page mentally, when actually every person is alone.

When you’re interacting with people online, you infer a lot from the things things they say or don’t say. A missed emoticon takes the joke out of a statement and turns a person into a creepy psychopath. A dropped connection leaves someone imagining that they are hated or that they have been proven right with their strawman argument. And somewhere out there–like 900 times a day the world over–someone is being an abusive troll because it’s “fun” (not funny, just fun to them).

The world is a strange place filled with many strange people. I know, because I’m a strange person myself. I read non-mainstream things, I write non-mainstream things, I don’t enjoy reality television or most current popular television (I find it asinine, as though the creators are purposely insulting my intelligence), and sometimes–when the moon is high and I’m feeling adventuresome–I visit sites like Cracked, Quartz, or BuzzFeed and gorge myself on their offerings of humor and world news.

I enjoy Cracked the most because the articles are humorous and edutaining–I’ve learned a surprising amount from Cracked articles, and that’s no lie. Quartz is a new site on my radar, mostly centered on world news in the form of interesting articles, and they’ve given me some information I otherwise wouldn’t have come across. And then there’s BuzzFeed.

Ah, BuzzFeed. By turns interesting, horrifying, and straight up garbage (seriously, a single picture and a 30-word caption does not an article make). BuzzFeed is what is politely termed a time suck. You follow the click-bait–a list of recipes, a DIY article, pics of a celebrity baby, whatever–and nine hours later you realize you desperately need the bathroom and your kid hasn’t been fed. It’s never a good idea to visit BuzzFeed on a day when you have to get things done, because there’s a real chance you’re going to wake up from your fugue state to discover it’s nighttime.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy going on BuzzFeed–there’s not a lot of reading, there’s plenty of pictures, and everything’s in an easy to follow list format. But there are some times when the related articles and what-have-yous all lead to articles designed to raise my blood pressure. I understand how the Internet can spawn so many social justice samurai–as though a “I hate this, and I hate you because you’re stoopid” comment will change the world. There are times when I’m tempted to get out my own sword, until I realize the article that’s making me so outraged is ten months old and I’m forced to skulk back into my cave of despair.

Lately it seems as though everyday brings a new drama to my mental doorstep. I get sucked into the problems of the world, and even though I try to make my heart a stone, I find my emotions getting exploited against my will.

Sometimes I wish that I could just stop caring. I’d be a much happier person.

* * *
(NOTE: If you follow the centuries old adage of “Leave your drama to your mama,” then you’re probably not going to want to read much further. That beginning part was pretty much the meat and potatoes of my meandering babble. The rest of this… It’s the reason why I’ve seriously contemplated quitting the Internet and joining a monastery ala Fortunato from the Wild Cards series.)

The Internet drama that’s ruined my mood lately:

So this happened => ‘Am I being catfished?’ An author confronts her number one online critic <= (goes through Do Not Link to prevent rewarding of bad behavior) and the Internets exploded, and quite rightly. Seriously, the article should better be titled “‘Am I a frightening and possibly dangerous stalker?’ An author breaks every rule of common decency and displays threatening behavior toward a reader.”

On the importance of pseudonymous activity” — Dear Author talks about it. Includes a breakdown of everything that happened with a more honest timeline than the author presented (seriously, she was all “I was victimized and lied to, and I’m a fierce warrior that regained my strength through hunting a person across the Internet” when really it was more like “People should be afraid I’m out on the street because I see myself as a victim and I have no problem using my fiance and his family to do whatever the heck I want”).

Victim or Perpetrator?” — Author Jim C Hines gives his view on the article. Which includes the advice to authors: Don’t do any of this.

Author Stalks Anonymous Blogger Who Gave Her a 1-Star Review” — “filed to:SHITSTORMS” is about right. Jezebel covers the story.

Poisoning the Well” — Dear Author’s Letters of Opinion points out why being a creepy author isn’t a good idea and the effect it has on the book community at large. Basically, everyone is terrified that an “author behaving badly” moment is going to turn into a “reader/reviewer gets attacked by a deranged author” news story. No one wants to see that happen, and the fact that publishing companies aren’t doing anything to protect their customers or to denounce author bad behavior is spawning some sour feelings all around.

The Choices of Kathleen Hale” — Smart Bitches, Trashy Books takes on the topic.

EDITED TO ADD: “Hale vs Harris, and the Breach of Online Ethics” — a great breakdown of events. This ones a good post if you’re following the drama.

TL;DR, in a very me-centered essay published by The Guardian (who should know better), author Kathleen Hale recounts her adventures in stalking a reviewer online, whereby she follows it up by SHOWING UP AT THE WOMAN’S HOUSE. Seriously, she was wandering around the reviewer’s yard, peeking in through her car windows, and lurking around the front door. I think that the only reason she didn’t break a window and go in was because there was a silhouette of a person at an upstairs window watching her (probably wondering WTF she was doing) and a dog barking inside. Otherwise she would have probably been in there trying on some clothes and drawing a big red smiley face on a bedroom wall in her victim’s blood.

This whole story gives me a cold chill. Not just because people actually defended her actions while lambasting the reviewer on her word alone, but because she’s out there roaming the streets right now. There comes a point when friends and family need to step in and deal with a person’s mental health, and this scenario? It’s a big red flag, especially in conjunction with her previous experience of going after another person.

I don’t read a lot of YA books, but this is one author that’s going on my permanent Do Not Want list. If I had a teenaged kid in my life, I’d tell them to stay away too, just in case she got a little too interested and showed up on my doorstep. Because this is someone that doesn’t just stalk people and display dangerous amounts of obsessive behavior, this is someone that then precedes to doxx her victim in a national newspaper (which doesn’t have the best reputation, but still!) in an attempt to drum up sympathy for her own crimes. As though stalking someone online or in real life is ever going to be okay.

In conclusion: Ugh.

Let's Make Dumplings at Amazon

Locks of Love

It’s that time of year again. My hair is getting long and once I have 12-inches I will be chopping 10-inches off and sending it away to Locks of Love.

What is Locks of Love?

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

How to donate:

  • 10 inches measured tip to tip is the minimum length needed for a hairpiece.
  • Hair must be in a ponytail or braid before it is cut.
  • Hair must be clean and completely dry before it is mailed in.
  • Place the ponytail or braid inside of a plastic bag, and then inside of a padded envelope.
  • If you wish to receive an acknowledgment for your hair donation, please fill out the hair donation form, or write your name and e-mail address or mailing address on a full size separate sheet of paper and include inside the envelope. We cannot acknowledge donors who do not send their name and address according to these instructions.
  • All hair donations must be mailed to Locks of Love at:
    234 Southern Blvd.
    West Palm Beach, FL 33405-2701
  • **IMPORTANT** When mailing your donation, please make sure that you are sending it with adequate postage. The U.S. Postal Service has notified Locks of Love that many donations are being sent without enough postage, and these packages will be returned to sender! To ensure adequate postage, please take your donation to your local post office.

Go check out Locks of Love:

It’s a great organization that helps kids, and if you’re giving a hair donation it doesn’t cost anything more than postage. So why not help someone out?


I spend a lot of time on my computer, and as everyone knows, that’s a good way to become flabby around the middle and thighs. Type, type, typing for hours at a time doesn’t exactly build the muscles and get your heart pumping.

I run around the yard with my dog and I walk a lot, which goes well with my calorie counting to keep my weight in check. It’s unfortunate, but while my sister was gifted with the body of a sylph, I got a healthy dose of my grandmothers’ genes — both sides of my family had a tendency for heavyset ladies — so I know I have to keep an eye on myself or I could be looking at diabetes and heart problems in the future.

Exercise is something I need to fit into my schedule, but I’m lazy. All the walking and running are great for the legs, but I want to tone my arm muscles. So whenever I make tea I’ve started doing jumping jacks until the water boils, then I do push-ups against the kitchen counter while my tea steeps.

I can see the benefits in my arms already, which are losing the hanging flab, and I’m very pleased with my decision to start working out a little. Not too much (as I’m still very lazy) but enough that I can known I’m doing something beneficial for my health above cutting back on sweets and eating more veggies.

* For jumping jacks I alternate between the regular slap my hands over my head kind, and the kind where my arms go straight out, up, straight out, and back to my sides while my feet go out, back together, out, and back together in four jumps.

* For push-ups I do table presses against the kitchen counter, as I don’t relish my dog jumping on my back when he gets too excited. A table push-up involves pushing away from a table or chair that’s secure against the floor.

Arunachalam Muruganantham

This guy is an amazing man. Seriously. I heard about him from Dear Author, who gave this link to the BBC article.

A school dropout from a poor family in southern India has revolutionised menstrual health for rural women in developing countries by inventing a simple machine they can use to make cheap sanitary pads.

and …

There are still many taboos around menstruation in India. Women can’t visit temples or public places, they’re not allowed to cook or touch the water supply – essentially they are considered untouchable.

TL;DR, this man loved his wife so much that he wanted to make her life better once he discovered how terrible conditions are for ladies on the rag in India. They’re not allowed in a lot of places and a lot of women have died due to the unhygienic way they have to deal with their periods since sanitary napkins are so expensive.

Being a cool guy, he came up with a framework machine that is being used in over 1300 villages in 23 different states. And instead of using his machines to make a bunch of money for himself, he teaches women how to use the machine and make their own sanitary napkins — which has led to them creating their own businesses and brands.

He keeps to a humble life and doesn’t believe in being wealthy, while at the same time he makes the lives of others better.

This man is a hero. Go read the article:

Muruganantham seemed set for fame and fortune, but he was not interested in profit. “Imagine, I got patent rights to the only machine in the world to make low-cost sanitary napkins – a hot-cake product,” he says. “Anyone with an MBA would immediately accumulate the maximum money. But I did not want to. Why? Because from childhood I know no human being died because of poverty – everything happens because of ignorance.”

He believes that big business is parasitic, like a mosquito, whereas he prefers the lighter touch, like that of a butterfly. “A butterfly can suck honey from the flower without damaging it,” he says.

I wish more people dreamed of being butterflies, versus settling on being mosquitoes.

A City On Mars at Amazon

Okay. Hopefully I’ve managed to wrangle all the commenters and everything. A couple of people didn’t give me their preferred format, so I’m going to have to hunt them down (full on safari style).

Other than that, this hop has been going great. Thank you to everyone that has entered. I love you!

Btw, I found out I could export my feedback for various posts as a .csv file, which has been extremely helpful.

* * *

Cool shizz: my dad bought me a brand new electric cook stove with a glass range top and a self-cleaning, coil-free oven. It’s so beautiful that I want to marry it and have its stovey babies.

I may have cried a bit when I saw it. Wonderful gift.

* * *

I’ve broken out my old Harvey Birdman DVDs and I’ve been enjoying rewatching them. They really are very good. Especially since Harvey Birdman is voiced by Gary Cole (not Gary Coleman, but the guy from Brady Bunch and Office Space) and the other man star is Stephen Colbert. That’s right. The man hisself 😛

* * *

Title: Faizel 02
Author: Harper Kingsley
World: Deacon
Genre: mm paranormal romance


He could feel dawn approaching, an encroaching unease across his every nerve, and wrapped himself closer against Faizel, never wanting to let go. He had never loved another as much as he did Faizel.

He fretted that someone would discover his secret and Faizel would be taken from him. To be used and abused, or worse, killed as an Abomination.

For once Charlemagne wished that he was stronger. He finally had something worth protecting, and he was weak. It had never bothered him that he was the meat of stronger Masters until now. Until Faizel had given to him his love.

“I will protect you,” he whispered. He let his hands make promises against Faizel’s bare skin.

“Or perhaps I will protect you.”

Once again Charlemagne swallowed back his instinctive fear. Faizel did not understand how dangerous and subversive their enemies could be. Charlemagne had protected him from the world outside, had watered down the horrors that existed outside of the apartment’s safety.

“I think that you would try and that frightens me,” Charlemagne said. “I could not bear to see you hurt for my sake.”

Faizel propped himself up on his elbows so he was above Charlemagne looking down. “And I don’t like you being hurt at all. I don’t like how Isadore or the others treat you. I don’t like that you let them abuse you and you don’t even imagine a world where things could be better.” He leaned close, his nose almost touching Charlemagne’s, his eyes fervent. “You are beautiful and gentle, yes, but you are also stronger than you dare to show.”

Charlemagne was humbled. “You have such faith in me.”

“Because you have none in yourself. You don’t see what I see when I look at you: the strength, the spirit, the fact that you could be so much more than you allow yourself to be. If you would only fight for what should be yours, you could be great.”

Charlemagne felt hypnotized by the fire in Faizel’s eyes, the pure conviction. He had never had so much faith focused on him, raw belief that he could be greater if he only wanted it enough.”

“I look at you and I don’t see a lesser master Made to serve others,” Faizel said. “I see an uncrowned king.”

Charlemagne gasped and flipped them over on the bed, pressing the fingers of one hand against Faizel’s lips to silence him. “Do not say such a thing. If anyone were to hear …”

Faizel pushed his hand away. “You are the only one here to listen and I hope that you do. Take my words to heart: you are so much more than you’ve let yourself be. you have greatness in you if you would only accept it.”

“You think too much of me.”

“And you don’t think about yourself enough,” Faizel said. “It makes me sad.”

Charlemagne wanted to tell Faizel that he was being foolish. He prepared himself to destroy the illusions Faizel had about his strength. But dawn was no longer approaching.

“It’s here,” Charlemagne whispered.

He slumped against the bed, shifting himself so he lay alongside Faizel as his body turned to dead-weight.

Dimly he felt a kiss pressed against his forehead and a brush of fingers through his hair. “I wish that you could see what I see when I look at you. If only you could believe in yourself a little bit.”

Charlemagne hated that hint of despair in Faizel’s voice. Hated that he had disappointed his only love by not being the well of strength he desired.

Then he knew nothing at all.


Count Zero at Amazon

Shorts and Squares: Jagged Blade – Shorts and Squares: Jagged Blade was supposed to be out on the 14th, but I went back to fiddling with it and screwed it up. There’s a reason I don’t give hard self-pub release days. I’m terrible at being able to let it go.

The Jagged Blade mix so far:

  1. Heroes & Villains: Black Friday [square]
  2. I Saw An Execution Once [short]
  3. Forgot the Can Opener [short]
  4. Clyde [short]
  5. Inquisitor Jang: The Wilding [square]
  6. Bird of Paradise [square]
  7. Slipping Through the Cracks: Normal Again [square]
  8. Patient of Interest [short]
  9. A Cuckoo In the Nest [square]
  10. Altredes: One [serial novel]

I’ve taken out a couple of stories, added one, and yet I still feel as if there’s something missing. Some key element that will tie things together.

I’d rather hold off a few days or weeks and make something I love versus rushing. (I’ve already got a few that I’m reworking. I don’t want this to be another one.)

– I have been building up my universe. I’ve been writing notes on all the different events taking place to make the Worlds develop as they do. I’ve written brief outlines for a bunch of stories already.

Of Blood => The aliens attacking are the Hex. They are led by a rebel MaretHex (Lord) that fled exile to take over a primitive world. He has his thousands of followers and their ships. They conquer Earth.

The human resistance keeps fighting against the occupiers even while society moves on. Vampires and Others decide that to save their world they’ll have to reveal themselves to the humans. They join the war to reclaim Earth.

The battle commences and it is bloody and violent.