MM romance

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Okay, so “Ersatz” is now on Amazon and Smashwords. It’s a $0.99 short story about two man-children that are asked about their ersatz homosexual relationship, which leaves them reeling.

Disregarding their ages, they really are man-children in that they spend all their time slacking around in their apartment playing video games and smoking pot. Their comfortable world gets rocked by a rude question and they respond in typical fashion–by running away from each other and acting like teenaged girls, neither one wanting to be the first to mention the dreaded “love” word.


BTW, when I picture Niedelmeyer hassling Charlie, this is the image that popped in my head:

He just seems like that kind of guy…

All Systems Red at Amazon

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Silly stuff: Is there some way I can be known as “Harper Kingsley, God MC” without knowing how to do anything? *~* Listening to “Conquest” by the White Stripes. I realize that it’s practically prehistoric, but it’s still on my playlist. Kind of hard to believe that someday it might be seen as “Classical music” by teens everywhere. *~* So true. You eat ONE White Castle Burger and you’re like “Ugh!” but THIRTY of them? That’s insane, man. “Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo Bay” is on TV right now. Very nice 🙂 I love NPH, don’t you? *~* If anyone is interested in being given free copies of my stuff, let me know. I’m thinking about picking some pre-readers in return for BJs (just kidding!) [Not really.]

Real life: Nothing much here. Everything good happens in my head. I save all the bad stuff for real life.

by Sol Crafter
genre: mm contemporary romance
audience: ADULT

Summary: Two roommates are asked an incredibly awkward question — “So, what’s it like being in an ersatz homosexual relationship?” — which starts a whole bunch of trouble.

Panoply at Amazon

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So, this little thing I’ve been working on, “Ersatz,” will be available soon for $0.99 purchase. It’s a short piece, though it’s wormed its way into my black little heart.

I’m looking to give away 10 free epub copies, so if anyone’s interested, just leave a comment and I’ll email you back.

by Sol Crafter

“So, what’s it like being in an ersatz homosexual relationship?”
“What?” His head whipped around so he could stare at Julie in surprise.

Cast of characters (just the mains, baby):
John–our MC. Comes across to others as the strong silent type, but since we’re following this story with him, we get more of a view of the inner workings of his mind.
Charlie–can be somewhat goofy, he’s a good guy and John’s happy to call him his best friend and roommate.
Neidelmeyer–the friend that’s always willing to mooch off the people around him.
Julie–the rather intrusive girlfriend of one of their friends.

One innocent question, and the lives of two friends are completely changed forever.

"book cover: Ersatz"
book cover: Ersatz, by Sol Crafter
An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good at Amazon

So lately I’ve had tons of ideas. The problem is that every time I start to write, I get distracted by various things and then it’s impossible to come back to what I was doing. So lame.

I’ve still typed up some stuff, but it’s taking me longer to get to it than I would like.

“Altredes” is coming along very nicely. Is anyone else as excited as I am? There’s just something so entirely thrilling about gender benders. Sure, it’s gen het, but it kind of flexes against some boundaries and that’s always fun.

“The Panic Pure” should have already been finished, but these guys just keep getting up to crazy serial killer hijinks. No, the main characters aren’t killing people, but there is a psychopath out there. Danny is adorable though.

“Allies & Enemies” will be making a public appearance February-ish.

“Doggy Style” is making its way to paper, or something non-dead tree-like, you know, if that’s your thing 😉

“Tuesday Night” is getting pretty spicy. Sunfire/Seth has developed some hidden depths that I didn’t even know were there and some part of me is tempted to turn it into a kid!fic, though I’m holding myself back, because that way lies evil. Evil and nerdiness.