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Title: Idlewile
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: pop idol romance
Rating: PG-13
Chapter word count: 11,281 (46 ms pages)

Summary: Idlewile is a pop idol. Chris is a television star. Jessica is a goddess of the golden screen. Three people searching for something they can only find with each other. Bromance to romance.

Prairie Fires at Amazon

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Title: Idlewile
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: pop idol romance
Rating: PG-13
Chapter word count: 6760 (27 ms pages)

Summary: Idlewile is a famous pop idol. That’s all my summary-deficient brain could come up with. I really like this story, I think other people will really like this story, but I’m terrible at explaining what I’ve written.

Set in a somewhat dystopian future, George Idleston is the pop idol known as Idlewile. His page here.


By Harper Kingsley

Witch King at Amazon

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So this is part of my rockstar story. I’m thinking about sending it around, but hopefully I’m not going to get shot for sharing the first chapter. And if so, this excerpt will mysteriously disappear off the Internet sometime in the future 😉

It’s like one of the unwritten rules of slash writers — at some point everyone produces at least one rockstar story. I have like 6 in the works, so there must be something really wrong with me.

Hope you enjoy. Let me know if you see anything wrongly bad and I’ll make fixies. Unbeta’d.

Prairie Fires at Amazon

Johnny Depp is the kind of famous where he could stop acting in movies, have lost all his money, and could be residing in a dumpster – and people would still recognize his name and face. He’s just got this legendary kind of fame, and he also happens to be an incredibly attractive man.

He is probably one of the most beautiful men in the world, and he’s only gotten better with age. I look at his “21 Jump Street” day photos and he’s a pretty boy, but he grew up into a beautiful man.  And on top of that he’s an excellent actor and always seems charming.

There are just some movies that are made better just by having a particular actor or actress in it. Johnny Depp makes every movie he’s in better. That’s being a star.

And that’s what I’ve been thinking about: Being a star. Being incredibly famous. Being the kind of person that thousands of people completely obsess about.

I’ve been writing “Idlewile,” my band story. In it, Idlewile is Johnny Depp, Rain, Big Bang level famous. First from his boy band days, then now as a soloist. It has really made me think about fame and what it would be like to deal with being so famous that literally EVERYONE in the world knows your name and what you look like.

Which brings me back to Johnny Depp.

He has always kept it classy, or if there’s been any slips he has a good PR sense. Some people have questioned his fashion, but I think it ties in to his need for some semblance of privacy. Those hats and glasses and even the flashy things he likes to wear – they draw the eye and that’s all anyone sees: Johnny Depp wearing eyeliner or channeling Jack Sparrow.

Everyone needs a place to hide sometimes. Even if that “place” happens to just be the mask you wear in public.