Heroes & Villains

"Darkstar" is introduced in Heroes & Villains as the supervillain name of the once-superhero Starburst.

Vereint Georges has always dreamed of being a superhero like his wall poster crush Blue Ice. So when he gains superpowers (strength, flight, invulnerability, speed–the basic package) he sets out to be what he thinks a superhero should be.

From the haircut, to the "I’m a superhero" voice, to the almighty poses, he uses them all.

And as a result, his superhero persona Starburst is universally mocked by reporters and superheroes alike. Including Blue Ice.

In a confrontation with Blue Ice, Starburst discovers some kind of new ability where violet light auras out of his body and melts everything it touches. He barely manages to stop it after it melts a section of street and sidewalk (and possibly a fire hydrant? I have to go back and reread that scene).

For a second, he’s proud of himself that he managed to get control. He looks up and catches Blue Ice’s–his hero’s!–eyes, and expects some kind of praise or something. Instead he gets derision and a general sense of "Get your shit together."

Vereint continues on as a superhero for awhile, but eventually snaps and decides that if he can’t be a hero, he’s going to be a villain and do whatever he wants. So during the annual Good Day Parade, he robs a jewelry store.

And that’s the start of his criminal career.

Stealing things. Displaying his powers to crowds as they hand off their wealth and goods. Trying out different outfits and looks to the enjoyment of the masses. And obliterating anyone that dares to confront him.

Every time Vereint "powers up," his metabilities grow.

In the Heroes & Villains universe, he falls in love with Warrick and retires from the super-life. There are occasions where he’s forced to power up (and violently kills a bunch of people, sorry to the squeamish) which grows his metabilities. But for the most part, his metabilities are just simmering under the surface, growing, but slowly. It’s more of a natural progression than Kanon-Darkstar’s power growth.

Because Kanon-Darkstar constantly uses his metabilities, his Charm is off the charts. It’s to the point where it’s more than just a registered weapon–his section of Megacity is under permanent quarantine.

Because while Kanon Darkstar can and does leave his Megacity to visit other places, he lives there and sleeps there most nights.

HV-Vereint can "power down," basically damp himself down so much that he’s practically a normal human. More durable, stronger, but at his depowered base he could still push a car or jump onto a second floor roof. It’s when he wants to move heavier things or do more metahuman stuff that he has to tap into his "inner power." But as long as he’s powered down, his Charm isn’t effecting the people around him. There’s not tendrils of influence going out, scrambling peoples’ brains.

Kanon Darkstar has kept himself powered up for so long and for so hard that even in his most depowered state, he can’t help exuding Charm around him.

And, as is revealed in–I think Allies & Enemies or Tuesday Night–one of the stories, a metahuman being around a stronger metahuman can make them stronger. (It’s all about the manna and the nectar zions and all that stuff from Timeline. It doesn’t matter for exposition purposes.)

Kanon-Darkstar is a powermaker.

Him just living in an area, exuding his presence all over, results in stronger metabilities in those that would have Manifested without him, and in metabilities developing in those that would have had a dormant Nor-gene.

In Allies & Enemies there’s statistics mentioned in the news about something like 80% of the population possessing the Nor gene, with most Manifesting minor abilities. Stuff like being able to grow their fingernails or heal their own skin. Minor stuff.

In the Kanon-verse, there are a lot more powerful metahumans because Darkstar is polluting the air around him with his very presence. And the more powerful metahumans there are, the more metahumans they effect and help create.

Kanon Sunfire is stronger than HV-Sunfire, and has displayed a much stronger–and deadlier–photokinetic ability as well as a devastating level of Charm-ability. Meanwhile, Kanon Melissa Kim becomes a superhero, but her powerset is a bit different from Blue Devil’s and she can’t fly.

no Vereint x Warrick = no adopted Melissa Kim = no Blue Devil

HV-Darkstar developed the gaussian blur he’s known for over time. There are clear photographs of the superhero Starburst, though everyone notes they look like different people. They could be brothers, but no one would think Starburst was Darkstar.

This is because while the gaussian blur is Darkstar’s metabilities visibly affecting mechanical equipment, it’s also a proof that his Charm is reaching out from his body. It shows up stronger closer around his head and face, but there’s no doubt that an invisible something is reaching out.

Because everyone that comes into contact with him is effected.

It is because of Darkstar that Charm is classified as one of the most powerful metabilities in the Kanon universe. So while the Heroes & Villains universe chugs along in ignorance, the Kanonverse understands that Charm is a horrifying and inexorable metability.

After a time, the League of Superheroes and other groups develop the use of "Charm proof" helmets for when they have to come into contact with Darkstar. But it’s well understood that the helmets will do nothing against long term contact or if the complete attention of Darkstar rests on someone. It’s better to not have him power up around people.

Thus the quarantining of Megacity.

He is treated as a god. Given everything and anything that he wants and whatever people think he might desire.

Some want his attentions upon them, feeling the burning glory of his presence against their skin and every bit of being.

Most people dread his attentions, glad to keep him appeased and within the confines of the Quarantine Zone.

"Darkstar is like a bear. A fucking dancing bear. He doesn’t know how to fight. He’s flailing around, punching and kicking and ‘oh look, I did a flip’ when it’s his ability to fly. But if you let that bear get its paws on you… it will fuck you up." — possibly from an LoS meeting where they watch video of Darkstar "fighting" a large group of people.

Vereint in Heroes & Villains has no real fight training. He never bothered to learn more than the basics he’s managed to pick up.

Kanon-Darkstar has more fight ability, but he’s still not "skilled" at it. Mostly because anything he hits with intent is obliterated.

It’s very hard to practice martial arts when you’re so strong that the world around you might as well be made of soda-lime glass.

A City On Mars at Amazon

Title: Dinner For Two
Author: Harper Kingsley
Series: Heroes & Villains
Setting: post-The Wedding, pre-Allies & Enemies
Characters: Vereint Georges, Warrick Reidenger Tobias


Walking into the penthouse, Warrick was greeted by bags of groceries on the counter and Vereint wearing an apron and nothing else. The sight of that devilish smile and those bare arms and legs made Warrick hitch his step on the way to the hall closet to hang up his jacket.

“What’s going on?” he asked slowly. He couldn’t help tracing his gaze over Vereint, seeing where the brightly colored fabric curved, bent, cupped, and what it did and didn’t cover. It took him an extra few seconds to get his jacket on the hanger and the closet door closed.

“I thought we’d cook dinner together,” Vereint said. “I saw this recipe for garlic butter steak.”

“Steak?” Warrick’s mouth salivated at the thought. “Butter… That’s going to be a calorie bomb though.”

“Tonight’s special,” Vereint said.

“Oh?” Warrick crossed the intervening space and wrapped his arms around Vereint. He peeked over Vereint’s shoulder and couldn’t help grinning at the sight of a bare back and buttocks. He let the fingers of his right hand drift off the apron and lightly brush against Vereint’s skin. He was always so warm.

Vereint obligingly pressed closer to him, one hand going into Warrick’s hair. “Mm.”

“Why’s tonight special?” Warrick asked. He tried to walk Vereint toward their bedroom, but Vereint didn’t move. Warrick stopped pulling at him, resting his whole weight against him instead. If Vereint didn’t want to be moved, there would be no moving him.

“It’s our anniversary,” Vereint said. He must have felt Warrick’s body stiffen with sudden panic because he laughed. “Don’t worry; it’s not our wedding anniversary. It’s the anniversary of the first time I took you hostage.”


“You know, when we were in that bank–”

“And you were wearing that horrible shirt!” Warrick laughed and squeezed Vereint.

“That’s when you fell in love with me,” Vereint said.

“No way,” Warrick said. “You terrorized a bank full of people and took me hostage. I thought you were a brat.”

“A brat that you immediately fell in love with because that’s the kind of person you are. You thrive on adversity.”

“And you being a brat is what you consider adversity?”

“No. I call that ‘charm.’ The adversity part comes in when you try to resist jumping my bones as we sear the rib-eye I’ve got on the counter.” Vereint tugged himself out of Warrick’s arms and headed toward the kitchen. The flirty wink he tossed over his shoulder and the way he flexed the globes of his ass were a dare.

Watching him go, Warrick shook his head with a rueful grin. He could definitely feel the adversity now.

Small Gods at Amazon

Title: Overwatch
Author: Harper Kingsley
Universe: Kanon-verse (alternate universe version of Heroes & Villains)


Here I am, he thought. One day older. One day closer.

He squeezed his eyes closed. Drew a deep breath in through his nose. Then he pressed the button that raised the top portion of the hospital bed to an upright position. He clenched his teeth against the pain, feeling the lines around his nose and eyes pull tight.

If he lived, he would carry reminders of this experience forever.

Finally the pain shifted, released. He could breathe. The tears weren’t threatening to squeeze their way past his eyelids.

He took a few moments to regain his composure. Then he shifted the fingers of his left hand onto the call button. Concentrated. And pressed.

Thirty seconds later a nurse appeared. “Good morning, Blue Ice. Are you ready for your pain medications now?”

Warrick thought about saying No. Thought about pretending to be strong for one more minute and continuing to suffer through this agony that had become his life. Then he thought about cool relief from the nerve pain caused by his continuous brain seizures.

“Sir?” the nurse asked. “Is that a Yes or a No on the pain medication at this time? I need a verbal reply, as per your instructions.”

Sometimes Warrick cursed his past-self. That self-assured fool that had never truly believed he could be brought so low. Who never would have imagined a time when all he’d want was for someone else to make the hard choices, because he hurt too much to even care.

Y-y-yessss,” he hissed out through his teeth.

Then there was sweet relief at the hands of his beautiful caretaker. He didn’t know her name, but he loved her with all the fervor of someone finally released from the grasp of wretched misery.

He drifted for some timeless state of being.

A few precious moments completely free from pain.

Time was pressing in on itself. Soon these moments wouldn’t exist. He would count his blessings in seconds, not minutes. Then milliseconds. Then no relief at all. Pain would become his world.

And then he would die.

I hate this, he thought for the millionth time. Why won’t someone come save me for once?

The door slammed open hard enough to take a gouge out of the wall. Caspian didn’t pause in his entrance, coming right to the side of the bed, his grin a fierce baring of teeth. His eyes were like blue fire.

Warrick’s breath caught. He was all aquiver. He felt a desperate hope blooming in his chest.

“I found it. I found it!” Caspian reached his hand toward Warrick’s face, then ever-so-gently, careful of his friend’s propensity for pain, brushed his finger along the arch of Warrick’s cheek. “As long as you hold on, you miserable fuck, you’re going to be out of this hospital bed in a month, walking around. But you’ve gotta hold on, you hear me War? Can you hold on?”

Warrick drew in a shuddering breath. He formed the words slowly, carefully, wanting himself to be clearly heard. “Y-es. Ho-lding onn iss hw-wha-at I do b-es-t.


crossposted at Kimichee.com


I’ve been drawing a bit, which has really helped my imagination come up with storylines and characters.

I got a copy of “Drawing and Painting Beautiful Faces with Jane Davenport” and I’ve been trying to make the people I draw look more attractive and less lopsided. I really like this book. I’ve been carrying it around with me, and I’ve been drawing with colored pencil so I can’t erase anything, and my people’s lips are beginning to look like lips.


About the Warrick thing up there ^ ^ – Things are a bit different in the Kanon-verse, and not just where “Pulse of the City” is concerned. It’s why things are so different in “Tuesday Night.”

Witch King at Amazon

PROMPTS: I know that other than my daily prompts I’ve been pretty quiet, but that’s about to change. Probably on Monday.

For some reason, though I schedule the prompts in advance, there’s been a handful of times when the prompts haven’t posted 🙁 I’ve had to login and manually hit Publish, which either means there’s a weird glitch or I’m doing something wrong. (I’m probably doing something wrong.)

Anyways, if you’re looking forward to my prompts each day, they are all scheduled to post at 7 a.m. PST. If a prompt doesn’t appear in your inbox by 7:03 a.m., there’s a good chance the scheduling failed. So either let me know on Twitter or in email or in the comments, or wait until I notice something’s wrong and post it myself. Otherwise, there should be a prompt every day.

I’m not guaranteeing that the prompts will be happening until December 31. But there’s a good chance that’s what’s happening.


HVU: What is this mysterious “HVU” I hear you not ask? Well, HVU stands for “Heroes & Villains Universe”, and it is an in-browser game I’m making.

At this point, you can choose whether you’re a “Hero” or a “Villain”, and you can pick out your costumed name. You can choose gender pronoun, hair color and length, eye color, height, and build.

You are stuck with a default character of either Lorelai, Leon, Kelsey, Kramer, or Riddle. The default character is randomly assigned. So, just like in real life, you’re “born” with a name you may or may not like.

HVU bridges the events in the Heroes & Villains books, filling in the gaps. Plus there’s side-stories, bonus content for Patreon patrons, and unlock codes for extra stuff.

The game isn’t ready for the public yet, but I’ll be posting a link here on Monday so ya’ll can try it out before everybody else.

Harper Kingsley presents Heroes & Villains Universe

WHAT’S TO COME: Well, I’m putting out my prompts, I’m putting out HVU, I’m working on Tuesday Night, I’m working on a few short stories, and once that novel bridge is built, there’ll be ATR. And if HVU is successful, I’ll be porting the game to Ren’py.

Any codes or bonuses earned in the browser version WILL carry over to the Ren’py version. So if anyone buys a code bundle or something, everything you get will transfer over. (The same codes will work in the browser and Ren’py versions.)

And of course, a Ren’py game is going to be more robust and more capable of different actions. As it is, the browser version of HVU has had me pulling out my hair for all the things it can’t do. (OMG, I’ve crashed my shit like 10 times trying to get this game to do the impossible.) For now, I’m settling for a fun game-story experience and my browser games are going to be simple text-based things.

Expect free game codes to be peppered through future posts. You should be able to type the code name into the search box and find any codes you’re missing. For example, “Code Aleph” was introduced a couple of weeks ago and might prove useful on Monday. Just saying.

Anyways, I’mma go outside with my dog and scribble in my notebook for a while.

Have a great day.


If you’re purchasing anything on Amazon and would like to help me out with my money woes (I’m poor), please consider using my Amazon Affiliate link. I don’t make a whole lot, but your help is enabling me to buy the Kid a new pair of khakis this month, and I consider that a win.
