Harper Kingsley

Title: Awakened
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: superhero, genhet
Excerpt rating: teen
A/N: Set in the H&V universe.

Summary: She’s a stranger in her own skin and she’s awakened once again. The world will tremble at her feet for she is a goddess given the flesh of a girl that died long ago, but she refused to lay down and let it take her.

Allies & Enemies at Amazon
Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

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Title: Idlewile
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: pop idol romance
Rating: PG-13
Chapter word count: 11,281 (46 ms pages)

Summary: Idlewile is a pop idol. Chris is a television star. Jessica is a goddess of the golden screen. Three people searching for something they can only find with each other. Bromance to romance.

Fortress in the Eye of Time at Amazon

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Title: Idlewile
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: pop idol romance
Rating: PG-13
Chapter word count: 6760 (27 ms pages)

Summary: Idlewile is a famous pop idol. That’s all my summary-deficient brain could come up with. I really like this story, I think other people will really like this story, but I’m terrible at explaining what I’ve written.

Set in a somewhat dystopian future, George Idleston is the pop idol known as Idlewile. His page here.


By Harper Kingsley