Christmas Paws
Post thumbnail I have a beautiful blond male companion in my life, and his name is Kahluah π He’s a mixed breed with a playful attitude and a friendly, if mischievous, disposition. He likes children and toys and chasing after rabbits. He’s been a great friend of the family.
When he was about four months old, he jumped up on the counter and stole half of a Dominos pizza and chomped most of it down while I chased him around the hotel room. When he was a year old he killed a giant rat and left it on the front porch — which absolutely horrified me. And last week, he managed to lock himself in the laundry room when he knocked the door closed. *headshake* Still, he’s grown up to be a truly great dog and I am happy to share him with all of you.
This is Kahluah. Feel free to comment on how pretty he is π
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