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Christmas Paws Blog Hop I have a beautiful blond male companion in my life, and his name is Kahluah πŸ˜› He’s a mixed breed with a playful attitude and a friendly, if mischievous, disposition. He likes children and toys and chasing after rabbits. He’s been a great friend of the family.

When he was about four months old, he jumped up on the counter and stole half of a Dominos pizza and chomped most of it down while I chased him around the hotel room. When he was a year old he killed a giant rat and left it on the front porch — which absolutely horrified me. And last week, he managed to lock himself in the laundry room when he knocked the door closed. *headshake* Still, he’s grown up to be a truly great dog and I am happy to share him with all of you.

This is Kahluah. Feel free to comment on how pretty he is πŸ™‚

And if you include a book you’d like from my backlist, one lucky commenter will receive a Smashwords coupon. Winner will be chosen using

Click HERE to read an EXCERPT of “True Love’s Kiss.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Witch King at Amazon
A City On Mars at Amazon

I’m pretty excited about having signed up for the Blog Hop and I’m hoping that a lot of people decide to play πŸ™‚

Read the excerpt below, make a comment, and you’ll be in the running towards winning an ebook of your choice. One winner will be chosen for each day of the Blog Hop–16, 17, 18–to receive an ebook, and at the end one grand prize winner will be chosen out of all the entries to receive a free paperback copy of “Heroes & Villains.” (The ebook winners can choose a title from anything I’ve written.)

“Doggy Style” by Sol Crafter
mm romance, supernatural
Through a strange mix of circumstance, Zack Branagh has been turned into a dog.


Fortress in the Eye of Time at Amazon

I told myself I wasn’t going to sleep until I finished editing. I’ve probably done about 100 pages, which is pretty good, and I’ve only got like 30 pages left. Still, every time I turn around I keep getting distracted by things on the internet ^_^

I even took some time out to search the Web to see if anyone has written any fanfic about my stuff. I am very sad to say that there is NONE πŸ™

When is someone out there going to write some fanfic about my stuff? I know it should be something I wouldn’t want to have happen, but honestly, it would make me totally happy. Ugh, the horrors of being completely clingy and emotionally stunted.

~Come on, write some fanfic!

BTW, as I mentioned before, I signed up for the BlogHop, which will start on the 17th. What does that mean? Well, I have to put up a BlogHop entry, and if people comment, I’m giving out 3 free ebooks to 3 readers, and 1 print copy of “Heroes & Villains.”

I’m not quite sure how I’m sending the paperback out, since this is my first time doing this, but I might just drop ship it or something. Still, there will be one lucky ducky out there. And it could be YOU!Β  Sorry people outside the US, I think you’re pretty much stuck with ebooks, though it’s readers’ choice so you could actually pick something that’s not even out yet if you wanted (like “Allies & Enemies” perhaps? Though there’s a wait until doneness.)