Gay romance

Here’s “H&V: The Wedding” on Smashwords and here it is on Amazon 

Looking at it in the light of day, yeah, that cover is really just too cute for what goes on inside the story. It looks like it’s supposed to be a comedy piece, but it’s more a serious superhero story.

Maybe I need to find myself a good cover artist, though it needs to be someone that’s pretty cheap considering I’m so poor 🙁

If I want to be able to afford the expensive cover artist, I guess I’m just going to have to write more and sell more. That’s logic right there ^_^

Next project: “Bastian.” I think it’s coming out pretty good.

A City On Mars at Amazon

H&V: The Wedding bookcover Now available! On now, should be showing up on sometime tomorrow.

Set during “Heroes & Villains,” it’s basically a side-story that was much too large to include in the novel, and doesn’t really have a whole lot to do with the main plot of the novel. Plus it features characters other than Vereint and Warrick.

There’s a wedding. There’s an alien menace. There’s a pretty steamy scene between two D-list characters. And a bunch of superheroes show the true characters behind their shiny images of heroic perfection.