
Title: Desecrated Places, Lonely Faces, and You
Author: Harper Kingsley
Original Fiction
Genre: urban fantasy, dark fantasy
Rating: mature(?)
Summary: “There was blood on the sheets.” I don’t know. What is this even? Just enjoy and discover the ride.


There was blood on the sheets.

It painted faces against the age-thinned cotton. The impressions of arms and legs, of broken bones and shattered dreams.

She feels like she’s just been let free. It’s looking to be a brand new day.

“Where will we go?” her voice comes out little girl soft, hushed in the temple-like silence of the room.

His hand is warm where it comes to rest against her naked shoulder. “Anywhere you’d like, cupcake. The world is yours to command, and I will be your arm, your sword, your everything.”

“My valiant hero?” She smiled, a shallow curve of her lips. “Will you be my knight in bloodstained armor?”

“Anything that your heart desires.”

Yes, she thought. This would work.

“Let’s take a shower. There’s no reason to bring this… mess… with us.” She led the way into the master bathroom. She’d never been allowed in there before. It was just as beautiful and princess-like as she’d always imagined.

She stepped into the shower, crooking her finger until he followed, as docile as a favorite pet. Only this pet had fangs, claws, and a willingness to bite.

Turning on the water — hot, hot, steamy hot water, which had always been “too good” for her — she felt happy. For the first time in a long time she was free. Her life was hers to do with as she pleased, the iron collar abandoned back in the room with her master’s dead body.

She reached for the soap. “Bend down. I’ll wash your back.”

He looked at her, eyes dark with love, and sat on the shower floor, turning so his back faced her. There were the ghosts of lash marks pressed into his skin, beautiful lines of faded gray against the smooth muscle. She had to touch them, tracing her fingers up and down the ridges before following the straights from one side of his spine to the other. He’d been hurt before, by unkind masters, just as she’d been.

“I will treat you so well,” she whispered into his ear, pressing her chest against his back. She liked the image they presented, flesh against flesh, blood red turning to pink as it washed away down the drain. “I will take care of you.”

“And I will give you the world,” he promised.


It seemed so easy. They had all of forever to make their way. With the cold iron gone from her neck, she could feel the spirit of the world flowing back into her veins, the old power reigniting itself deep within.

She would keep him, this man-mountain, and she would tumble death to tie him to her. For gratitude, for grace, and for what might be the beginnings of love, she would rescue her rescuer and keep him safe.

Queen Titania scrubbed her knight’s skin with a pale green loofah and let the fire begin burning in her heart. She was ready to set the mortal world ablaze. Ready to be free.


Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon


Title: Leviathan
Author: Linnea Kingsley
Genre: fantasy, mm
Story rating: Mature
Excerpt rating: PG

Summary: A young man finds himself in a very strange situation with a very strange companion.

Coming soon to a store near you (on the Internet.)

Leave a comment if you want an early copy and are willing to offer constructive feedback.

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"book cover: Vedran's Hand"Title: Vedran’s Hand
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: fantasy
Rating: Adult
Landing page:

Summary: A duel to the death is to take place between two unbeaten champions. The Emperor’s Hand, the man known only as Dragon Knight, has been tasked with giving out eighteen gold seals to men and women of his choice, allowing them to witness the legendary battle between Hezzero and Nasbeth. Everyone wants an invite, and they are willing to do whatever they have to in order to get one.
Meanwhile, machinations are going on behind the scenes and someone is planning for a new Emperor to be crowned. All they need is the death of Emperor Vedran Malvorta.

Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

"book cover: Vedran's Hand"Title: Vedran’s Hand
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: fantasy
Rating: Adult
Landing page:

Summary: A duel to the death is to take place between two unbeaten champions. The Emperor’s Hand, the man known only as Dragon Knight, has been tasked with giving out eighteen gold seals to men and women of his choice, allowing them to witness the legendary battle between Hezzero and Nasbeth. Everyone wants an invite, and they are willing to do whatever they have to in order to get one.
Meanwhile, machinations are going on behind the scenes and someone is planning for a new Emperor to be crowned. All they need is the death of Emperor Vedran Malvorta.