

Title: Leviathan
Author: Linnea Kingsley
Genre: fantasy, mm
Story rating: Mature
Excerpt rating: PG

Summary: A young man finds himself in a very strange situation with a very strange companion.

Coming soon to a store near you (on the Internet.)

Leave a comment if you want an early copy and are willing to offer constructive feedback.

An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good at Amazon

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Audio [powerpress]

Over the next few days, I will be working to add audio posts to big chunks of my blog. I’m not going to go back through and pod everything, but I will be doing my free reads for sure.

Hopefully I’ll be keeping my podcasts up to date with future posts, though there might be cases when the post goes up first and the audio comes a day or two later. Why? Because I’m currently living at my dad’s house and there’s always someone being loud as hell (me!), which makes it really hard to record anything.

This will probably be the only post talking about this in such a frank manner. Why? Because I’m kind of a wuss and I have a clinical case of social anxiety. To that end, I created the heteronym “Audiophobe.” And Audiophobe is willing to read anything. That’s not to say you would want to listen to it, because as is evident if you hit the audio on this post, “Audiophobe” sounds like a little kid. Still, it’s better to have the audio and wince a bit, then not to be able to enjoy the complete awesomeness at all. Amirite? Yeah.

Here’s the feed URL:


Panoply at Amazon

So lately I’ve had tons of ideas. The problem is that every time I start to write, I get distracted by various things and then it’s impossible to come back to what I was doing. So lame.

I’ve still typed up some stuff, but it’s taking me longer to get to it than I would like.

“Altredes” is coming along very nicely. Is anyone else as excited as I am? There’s just something so entirely thrilling about gender benders. Sure, it’s gen het, but it kind of flexes against some boundaries and that’s always fun.

“The Panic Pure” should have already been finished, but these guys just keep getting up to crazy serial killer hijinks. No, the main characters aren’t killing people, but there is a psychopath out there. Danny is adorable though.

“Allies & Enemies” will be making a public appearance February-ish.

“Doggy Style” is making its way to paper, or something non-dead tree-like, you know, if that’s your thing 😉

“Tuesday Night” is getting pretty spicy. Sunfire/Seth has developed some hidden depths that I didn’t even know were there and some part of me is tempted to turn it into a kid!fic, though I’m holding myself back, because that way lies evil. Evil and nerdiness.