365 Prompts

Prompt: 090. my girlfriend was a centerfold

1. There was a sense of horror when he opened the magazine and saw that familiar face staring back at him. He hadn’t believed the guys when they’d told him, but here was the evidence.

A. There was a sense of horror when he opened the magazine and saw that familiar face staring back at him. He hadn’t believed the guys when they’d told him, but here was the evidence.

My girlfriend was a centerfold, he thought, and a hysterical laugh escaped his lips.

He had no idea what he was going to say the next time he saw her. He didn’t even know how he was supposed to feel. The shock was all-consuming.

2. Beautiful and sexy, everything she’d ever wanted, until things started going wrong. Then it was all accusations and pain as she couldn’t get over the fact that her girlfriend had starred in a series of pornographic movies.

A. Beautiful and sexy, everything she’d ever wanted, until things started going wrong. Then it was all accusations and pain as she couldn’t get over the fact that her girlfriend had starred in a series of pornographic movies.

She never should have watched them. That was her biggest mistake. Because once she’d seen her girlfriend doing all those things, the images would not leave her mind. Those movies filled the invisible space between them, overwhelming the love they’d shared.

3. “My girlfriend was a centerfold, you know, back when that was a thing,” the old man said with a tone of pride. “She was the most beautiful girl I ever saw.”

A. “My girlfriend was a centerfold, you know, back when that was a thing,” the old man said with a tone of pride. “She was the most beautiful girl I ever saw.”

“Wow, Grandpa, now how am I supposed to look at Grandma?” the teen asked.

Grandpa smirked. “Who ever said I meant your grandmother?”


Hogfather at Amazon

Prompt: 089. brown paper wrapped package

1. There was a brown paper wrapped package waiting on the front porch when they came home. There was no return address and their address was written in somehow greasy looking marker.

A. There was a brown paper wrapped package waiting on the front porch when they came home. There was no return address and their address was written in somehow greasy looking marker.

Sasha circled the package curiously and finally braced her booted feet wide so she could lean close to the label. “Who could have left this here? It doesn’t have any postage marks.”

“Sasha, honey, get away from there,” Natalia ordered. When Sasha didn’t move fast enough, she dashed forward to grab her daughter by the arm and pulled her away.

“Mom! What’s wrong with you?”

“Quiet. We need to get away from here and call the police.”

“What? Why?” Sasha asked.

“I think it’s a bomb.”

2. The toys arrived in a discreet brown paper wrapped package.

A. The toys arrived in a discreet brown paper wrapped package that he opened in the bathroom. He could hear his wife moving around in the living room and hoped that she would like the surprises he’d gotten for them both.

Reaching under the counter, he got out the large bottle of sex toy cleaner. By the time she came to bed he would have everything clean and ready to go.

It sent a warm thrill through him to imagine the look on her face when she walked into the bedroom. He’d seen her window shopping their favorite sex toy site and hadn’t missed the way her eyes had lingered, coveted, and regretfully moved away.

He’d do nearly anything to make her happy. Even this.

3. She tied the brown paper wrapped package with string and set it with the others waiting to be mailed.

A. She tied the brown paper wrapped package with string and set it with the others waiting to be mailed. She had three more orders to fill before she could leave for the day. If she was lucky, she’d make it home in time to take a shower before going to the movie.

Her lips curved in a smile and her thoughts drifted to her evening plans. Even as her hands continued to write out calligraphy address labels and wrap packages, she let herself fantasize a bit about her night to come.


Disability Visibility at Amazon

Prompt: 088. principal selling stuff to students

1. Outraged parents began contacting the school board at record rates. The principal had been selling drugs to some students and using others as dealers on the street.

A. Outraged parents began contacting the school board at record rates. The principal had been selling drugs to some students and using others as dealers on the street. It was the biggest scandal the county had ever seen, and nobody was happy about it.

Dozens of middle school children were going to be attending court mandated drug management programs. The principal, the Teacher of the Year, a janitor, and the cop that had accepted bribes to look the other way were all going to prison. And the once idyllic town dealt with the aftermath of a school that had taught their children how to use and sell drugs.

Things were never going to be the same.

2. It was the fourth day in a row that her children came home with unfamiliar toys. When she asked where they came from, she was surprised to hear that the children bought them from their principal.

A. It was the fourth day in a row that her children came home with unfamiliar toys. When she asked where they came from, she was surprised to hear that the children bought them from their principal. She pointed out that they didn’t have any money when they went to school.

“But Mommy, Mr. P said we didn’t need any money. He just wanted a little favor.”

Her stomach sunk. She could feel the blood flooding heat into her face, throbbing in her neck and forehead. “A favor? What kind of favor?”

3. Even knowing it was against district policy, he couldn’t help himself. He began selling things to the students, small things at first, then bigger and bigger.

A. Even knowing it was against district policy, he couldn’t help himself. He began selling things to the students, small things at first, then bigger and bigger. He knew he was in trouble when he sold a 3D TV to a 15-year-old. Because that’s when the phone calls started. That’s when the parents started taking notice of what he was doing and had already done.

The two policemen waiting in front of the school when he arrived Monday morning were the nails in his coffin. He saw them standing there, and something in him broke free.

He didn’t give himself time to hesitate.


Allies & Enemies at Amazon

Prompt: 087. Sleeping Beauty

1. The story of the so-called “Sleeping Beauty” was an interesting one. A young woman dressed in a historically accurate medieval gown, surrounded by flowers, found unconscious in a city park.

A. The story of the so-called “Sleeping Beauty” was an interesting one. A young woman dressed in a historically accurate medieval gown, surrounded by flowers, found unconscious in a city park. People were interested.

Donations were gathered to pay for the woman’s medical care. Her image was spread far and wide as volunteers kept up the search for anyone that knew her identity. She was a beautiful mystery, one that people were desperate to solve.

2. Being a third grade teacher wasn’t as easy as she’d thought it would be. Especially when it came time for the class play, a version of Sleeping Beauty that had been written by a previous teacher.

A. Being a third grade teacher wasn’t as easy as she’d thought it would be. Especially when it came time for the class play, a version of Sleeping Beauty that had been written by a previous teacher. Just reading the script made her wince. The writing was terrible, and there were some problematic elements that she couldn’t believe existed in the first place.

She asked the principal if some changes could be made, and her request was denied. The play had been a yearly school tradition for close to twenty-two years. The play was to be performed as written.

3. “Wake up, sleeping beauty. It’s time to start your first day in hell.”

A. “Wake up, sleeping beauty. It’s time to start your first day in hell.”

Roland groaned and opened his eyes to slits. The last thing he remembered, he was in a bar with some friends, celebrating his cousin’s birthday. Now he was in what looked to be a large dormitory filled with cots, foot lockers, and what looked like a dozen other men dressing and making up their cots.

He sat up, glad to find that he was still fully dressed. He even had his shoes on. Someone had simply thrown a drab green blanket over him.

“Where am I?” he asked.

“You’re in the army. That’s where you are and where you’re going to stay.”
