I don’t think some people are truly understanding the horror of the situation.
"Euronews Green: @euronewsgreen: Last night: ‘"Rainwater is no longer safe to drink anywhere on Earth, scientists say ‘Forever chemicals’ have been found by scientists in rainwater in most locations on the planet, leading to concerns over the safety of consuming rainwater.’"
People are being like "Oh no! I won’t be able to collect and drink rainwater anymore!"
Fuck you!
Why are the bees dying? Why are there less birds and animals? Why wasn’t there any fruit on the trees? What does it mean for someone’s dog when they let him stop and drink from a bucket of rainwater? When cats lick their feet after being outside?
What does it mean for the water table? For people growing crops straight in the ground? For people taking showers and walking in the rain to get places?
Some blasé "Don’t worry about the future" nonsense isn’t going to protect us from dying.
You drink that water now, and you won’t be having kids in the future.
"Well, that’s not a thing."–Okay dude, look up the aftereffects in Japan of nuclear bombs being dropped on them. The rises of leukemia and other cancers. The children of survivors that were born with serious birth defects.
It’s time to stop clowning around and get serious about the future.
If every person in every country set up a little rain collector that was able to filter out the chemicals… which could then be collected by scientists for study… we would at least be doing something.
A little bit done by a lot of people = A LOT.
They want to tell you that your small little bit means nothing. Because they want you to sit by doing NOTHING.
They want you to feel helpless and small so they can suppress a sense of community. They don’t want workers to realize that banding together makes them powerful. That the bosses are in the minority–which raises the question of why they make so much money. Which makes people wonder why there aren’t worker protection agencies that prevent things like wage theft, mismanaged worker retirement funds (like, you lost my money boss. The company should STILL have to pay full retirement benefits to EVERY worker; that money was not your money to play with), and the way they refuse to give raises to workers while management gets raise after raise.
As a means of suppressing workers, they fund network executives to produce shows that promote negativity. "Your vote doesn’t count… you’re only one person." "You can’t do anything, you’re just one person." "Why are you caring about this… nobody else cares… don’t you know it makes you look pathetic to care?"
As a result of their negativity mongering, we have societies that refuse to take any responsibility for climate change or the future.
Like, if the answer to filtering deadly forever chemicals out of the rainwater is to stretch some kind of mesh to catch and sift the water before it hits the ground…
Tell us.
There are people with money wasting it "On the environment: research to fix the problem charity banquet $10,000 a plate," and the "charity" organizer is only legally required to use 10% for the purpose advertised.
Grifters and shysters and just plain evil people are gathering up money that should actually be going to FIX THE PROBLEM. They’re lining their pockets with the lives of animals and humans.
Come up with commonsense answers.
Do the science. Figure things out. Pass out kits in schools.
Tell the people at home how they can help solve the problem.
Because we are not helpless. We just don’t know what to do.
~Harper Kingsley
P.S. It’s like, if there could be home kits made that people pool their money to purchase for the public, and the public at home can set things up and actually help DO SOMETHING… that would be great.
Because I love nature. I love birds. I love animals. I love bees. I love butterflies. I love fruits. I love vegetables.
I don’t want the whole world to die because greedy assholes are going "YOLO!" and living their best lives at our expense.
Our politicians voted No to a $35 price cap on insulin.
WHILE putting in laws forcing people to have children.
Because they are lining their pockets with pharma-bro money.
Because they have stock in pharmaceutical companies.
Because they are such hardcore capitalists that they don’t see "affordable insulin = living children/adults." They see "expensive insulin = vacation to Cancun for me and my family."