Prompt: 105. cowbell

Prompt: 105. cowbell

1. He was woken by the sound of a cowbell below his window. When he looked out, he wasn’t surprised to see one of his neighbor’s cows trampling his vegetable garden.

A. He was woken by the sound of a cowbell below his window. When he looked out, he wasn’t surprised to see one of his neighbor’s cows trampling his vegetable garden–the man refused to fix his fence. What he was surprised by was the young woman sitting atop the cow’s back, her red hair streaming loose around her as she silently laughed, kicking her bare heels against the sides of the cow’s neck.

2. She stared at her son, trying to figure out if he was joking or if he truly expected to play the cowbell in band class.

A. She stared at her son, trying to figure out if he was joking or if he truly expected to play the cowbell in band class. Finally she had to admit that he was serious, and she was going to have to play the supportive parent.

“Wow, that’s a really interesting instrument,” she said.

He beamed. “It’s the best. Listen.” He gave the cowbell a shake, causing the clapper inside to strike the bell with a rich–and loud!–sound.

She resisted the impulse to cover her ears and pasted a smile on instead. “Wow.”

3. Aware of the man lurking at his shoulder, he used his hand to shield the keypad as he entered the passcode: 2692355. Which spelled out “cowbell.”

A. Aware of the man lurking at his shoulder, he used his hand to shield the keypad as he entered the passcode: 2692355. Which spelled out “cowbell”, so it would be easy to remember.

The machine accepted his code and the food selection screen appeared. He fumbled out his grocery list and carefully matched the names to the pictures on the screen. His weekly foodcred balance was counting down in the corner as he made his purchases.

He was glad he’d researched his choices online before coming to the foodplex. By the time his order had been completed there were four people lined up behind him and more approaching down the street.

He quickly loaded the food into his backpack. It wouldn’t be a good idea to wave his purchases about. There were lots of hungry people around.

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