Prompt: 092. cinnamon toast

Prompt: 092. cinnamon toast

1. Raised with cooks and housekeepers, she’d never learned to cook anything. For him she learned to make cinnamon toast.

A. Raised with cooks and housekeepers, she’d never learned to cook anything. For him she learned to make cinnamon toast.

She was ridiculously pleased with herself, to the point that she was embarrassed by her own sense of pride. There was just something about looking down at the tray she carried and seeing the plate with four slices of cinnamon toast and the cup of coffee that made her feel as though she was providing for someone she loved.

She couldn’t make anything elaborate—yet—but she was sure that someday she would be making complete meals. Being a chef wasn’t her dream career, but she wanted to be able to make delicious food for herself and her loved ones.

2. Mom always buys generic Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal no matter how often you ask for name brand.

A. Mom always buys generic Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal no matter how often you ask for name brand.

Just to have the box in the house would be a point of pride. And with the careful use of a Sharpie to warp the expiration date, it would be easy to refill the box. No one would have to know.

But Mom never buys the good stuff. She always says there isn’t enough money. Not even for one box, one time.

3. Toast slathered with Country Crock and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. Scarfed down after midnight when everyone else was asleep.

A. It felt like a dirty secret when she climbed out of bed late at night after everyone was asleep. Yet she would do it anyway, unable to resist that siren call.

She would creep downstairs to the kitchen where she would make toast slathered with Country Crock and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. Standing over the sink, she would scarf down the toast, crumbs and sugar crystals flaking from her mouth and bouncing off the back of her hand.

Her eyes would close in silent bliss as she chewed and swallowed bite after bite, slice after slice. The crunch of her teeth through toast would be the only sound in the kitchen. She would be drifting through a sleepy haze of cinnamon and sugar as she stood flat-footed and loose-kneed.

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